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Apr 13, 2021, 6 tweets

The #COVID19 pandemic is a challenging time, for children, parents and caregivers.
Doing a few simple activities with your child can provide them with vital comfort and love during these uncertain times.

Exercise helps kids with a lot of energy (and adults) to de-stress when we #StayHome

Let your child choose the music and have a 10-minute dance! You might even impress them with your moves! 🕺🏼👯💃🏼

More #parenting tips during #COVID19

Catch bad behaviour early and redirect your kids' attention from a bad to a good behaviour.

Clear, positive instructions get us the behaviour that we want. Swap ‘don’t make a mess’ for ‘please put away your pens’

More #parenting tips during #COVID19

Praise is powerful.

Try praising your child or teenager for something they have done well.
Do it in a genuine way.
They may not show it, but you’ll see them doing that good thing again.

More #parenting tips during #COVID19

A structured day helps kids feel secure and makes it easier to manage them.

Try making a timetable, with schoolwork, games, free time, exercise and handwashing.
Take charge of your days - routine up!

More #parenting tips during #COVID19

Crowded and messy home?
Kids crying?
Teenagers screaming?

Take a deep breath.
Take a break.
Do something for yourself.

Take care of yourself so you can take care of your children

More #parenting tips during #COVID19

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