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Apr 14, 2021, 7 tweets

#BREAKING US, Britain, France, Germany to hold talks on Afghanistan: Berlin

#BREAKING 'Time to bring our forces home' from Afghanistan: Blinken

#UPDATE US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday the moment has come to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and that Washington would work with NATO allies on a "coordinated" pull-out

#BREAKING Russia says US troop pullout from Afghanistan by September risks 'escalation'

#BREAKING President Biden tells US 'time to end America's longest war' in Afghanistan

#UPDATE It is "time to end America's longest war," US President Joe #Biden will say Wednesday as he announces the planned US withdrawal from #Afghanistan, adding that Washington will continue to support the Afghan government but "will not stay involved in Afghanistan militarily"

#UPDATE President #Biden was set to tell Americans Wednesday it is "time to end" the US's longest war with the unconditional withdrawal of troops from #Afghanistan where they have spent two decades in a bloody, largely fruitless battle against the Taliban

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