Parents For Future #EndFossilFuels - P4F Germany Profile picture
Aktivist*innen - Eltern, Freunde und engagierte Menschen 🦣 🟦 #EndFossilFuels #ClimateCrisis

Apr 14, 2021, 6 tweets

Don't miss "ESCAPING EXTINCTION | ÜBER:LEBEN" Online-Event w/ @Luisamneubauer, @MichaelEMann & @michaeljohng

15.04.2021 19:00 CEST, register:…


#ClimateJustice @BiotopiaMuseum #Klimagerechtigkeit

Now: "ESCAPING EXTINCTION | ÜBER:LEBEN" Online-Event w/ @Luisamneubauer, @MichaelEMann

@michaeljohng just did short introduction, and participants took part in a small poll...

#ClimateJustice @BiotopiaMuseum #Klimagerechtigkeit

"Make no mistake, this is the defining battle of our time."
"We need systemic changes." - @MichaelEMann

"It struck me, that people would sign the Paris agreement, - and yet don't end coal asap [in Germany]." - @Luisamneubauer

"A lot is already lost, - but there's so much worth fighting for." - @Luisamneubauer

"1⃣ Don't get lost in this eco-lifestyle thing.
2⃣ Don't give up!
3⃣ Get involved, join us!" - @Luisamneubauer

Join some #ClimateActivism group, get together!

eg @FridayForFuture @parents4future @Fridays4future @parents4futureG ;)

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