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#SanatanaDharma धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः! #JaiSriRam #Sattology HariHara Bhaktha | Dharmic Winger | Blessed to be followed by Sri @KapilMishra_IND Ji

Apr 14, 2021, 11 tweets

There are large number of temples & ashrams in the Girivalam route around Sri Arunachaleswarar temple & the most important ones are: Ashta (eight) lingams representing the eight directions with each one being associated with one or more birth stars. Each lingam addresses

different aspects of man’s life & they bless the bhaktas with different types of benefits. It is believed to be installed by various Devas. Also these lingams have a dominant navagraha & praying to each lingam brings forth various benefits that is being bestowed by that

navagraha on the bhaktas.
Indira Lingam - It is said to be installed by Indira representing East. The dominant navagraha of this lingam are Sun & Venus. Worshiping this lingam blesses the devotees with long life & abundant prosperity.

Agni Lingam - representing the South-East. The uniqueness of this lingam is the only lingam that is placed on the right side of the Girivala path. The dominant navagraha of this lingam is Moon. Praying to this lingam helps one to keep away sickness & to maintain good health.

Yama Lingam - representing the South. It is said to be installed by Deva of death, Yama. The dominant graham of this lingam is Mars. Worshiping this Yama lingam relieves the devotees of their financial constraints.

Niruthi Lingam - representing the South East. The dominant graham of this lingam is the Rahu. This was installed by the king of the giants. Devotees worshiping this Niruthi lingam are freed of their problems.

Varuna Lingam - representing the West. This lingam is installed by Varuna (rain) Deva. The dominant graham of this lingam is Saturn. Devotees worshiping this lingam are protected from all critical illness & are taken care to get elevated in their social development.

Vayu Lingam - representing North West. Vayu lingam is installed by the Bhagwan Vayu (air), himself. The graham that is dominant is the Ketu. Offering prayers to this Vayu lingam gives strength to fight all heart ailments, stomach, lung problems & general illness.

Kubera Lingam - representing North. The dominant graham is Jupiter. And Kubera has installed this lingam. Offering prayers to this lingam regularly helps the devotees to achieve prosperity.

Eesanya Lingam - representing North East. Deva that installed this lingam is Esanyan. The graham that dominates this lingam is Mercury. Praying to this lingam gives peace of mind to bhaktas & develops a positive attitude in them to achieve success in all their pursuits.

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