Mal_Torres Profile picture
Texan from Bama, USAF Ret, disabled vet, LOCD Chair #CommonDefense #DemCast

Apr 16, 2021, 15 tweets

Title III — Election Security

This title aims to improve the security of U.S. election infrastructure to counter the threat of foreign interference.

#PassFTPA #HR1
#FreedomToVote #DemCast

• Establishes new grants to fund election security upgrades
• be owned & controlled by citizens or permanent residents of the US
•report cybersecurity incidents of goods & services provided to the EAC & DHS

#ElectionSecurity #FreedomToVote

Part 2 — Grants for Risk-Limiting Audits of Results of Elections

🔥 Conducts risk audits 🔥

• election officials manually recount a sufficient number of

💥->paper ballots<-💥

to ensure with a high level of statistical probability, the electronic tally's accurate.

Part 3 — Election Infrastructure Innovation Grant Program

This will encourage improvements and tech or software jobs.
#FreedomToVote Pass #HR1
#ForThePeopleAct #DemCast

Subtitle B — Security Measures

💥 DHS annual reports to Congress on info sharing w/state election officials, adds foreign threats to election infrastructure

#DemCast #ForThePeopleAct…

💥 DNI gives a full threat assessment 180 days before general election, distros to Congress, state election officials.

#FreedomToVote #SecureElections
#ForThePeopleAct #DemCast

Subtitle C — Enhancing Protections for United States Democratic Institutions

• POTUS's national plan against
° cyber attacks
° disinformation campaigns
• Establishes a national legislative

#FreedomToVote #PassFTPA

Subtitle D — Promoting Cybersecurity Through Improvements in Election Administration

💥 amend the definition of “voting systems” subject to voluntary testing and certification under HAVA to include electronic poll books <--💥

#ElectionSecurity #FreedomToVote

• develop cybersecurity guidelines to incorporate into the testing & certification

• directs EAC to decertify equipment used in prior elections that fails to meet existing guidelines

• states submit detailed info to the EAC 120 days b4 a gen election, use of voting systems

Subtitle E — Preventing Election Hacking

☆ bug bounty by 'white hat' hackers.

🔥 This will incentivize finding equipment & software vulnerabilities in election systems.

#DemCast #PassFTPA
#VoterProtection #FreedomToVote

Subtitle F — Election Security Grants Advisory Committee

💥 15 member advisory board that  reviews election security grant applications & recommends awardees.

#FreedomToVote #PassFTPA
#DemCast #ElectionSecurity…

Subtitle G — Miscellaneous Provisions

EAC & DHS election adequacy reports must be given to Congress. Basically oversight of the oversight.

#ElectionSecurity #PassFTPA

Subtitle H — Use of Voting Machines Manufactured in the United States

🔥 Read this one again 🔥

as of the November 2024 general election, all voting machines used for federal elections are manufactured in the United States.

#FreedomToVote #PassFTPA

Subtitle I — Study and Report on Bots

Remember the disinformation that spread during election cycles? Well, we will know the effects.

"All warfare is based on deception," Tsung Tzu. 🗳

#ElectionSecurity #FreedomToVote
#ForThePeopleAct #PassFTPA

Subtitle J — Severability

Just means if one part or all of Title 3 is deemed unlawful the rest of this law will not be tossed out.

#PassFTPA #ForThePeopleAct

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