Aaron Berkowitz Profile picture
Neurology & Health Equity @UCSF @neurores_UCSF | Advisor to @PIH & @MSF | #EndNeurophobia @CPsolvers | One by One by One | Former @harvardneuromds Views mine

Apr 19, 2021, 6 tweets

Excited to attend health equity symposium #AANAM @AANMember supported by Cheryl Jay Endowment. Dr. Jay made incredible contributions to our neurology training program in Haiti and I'll never forget how she took all the applicants out to lunch when I interviewed @neurores_ucsf

"Zipcode is a greater predictor of health outcome than genetic code" Dr. Joseph Betancourt @MGHMedicine , Health Equity Symposium @AANMember #AANAM

"Structural Racism isn't up for debate, this is our history"
Reminds me of one my favorite quotes from Paul Farmer @PIH "History didn't begin when you arrived..."

(paraphrasing) "Even if you improve access to insurance and care, diagnosis/treatment/outcomes influenced by structural racism causing challenges in navigation, communication, stereotyping, and mistrust" @Jbetancourtpr @MassGeneralNews speaking at @AANMember #AANAM #healthequity

Lessons learned re: #COVID19 and #healthequity @Jbetancourtpr discussing having the courage to move from the lessons of this moment to the future embedding these lessons in the fabric of clinical practice @AANMember #AANAM

"This year has propelled resources, commitment, and platform to moving the needle for work many of us have been advocating for for years related to health disparities...Will we use it? Will we mobilize? Will we create sustainable change?" @Jbetancourtpr @AANMember #AANAM

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