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Apr 20, 2021, 14 tweets

#BREAKING Manchester City withdraw from European Super League plans, says Club

#UPDATE The proposed European Super League collapsed after Premier League clubs withdrew from the deeply divisive project following a furious backlash by fans and threats from football authorities

#BREAKING Chelsea, the last of the English Clubs signed up to the European Super League, confirms they will withdraw, as the European Super League says it will 'reshape' the group

#UPDATES Chelsea says “can confirm that it has begun the formal procedures for withdrawal from the group"
European Super League says “given the current circumstances” it will “reconsider the most appropriate steps to reshape the project"

The proposed European Super League appears dead in the water after all six English clubs withdraw following a furious backlash from fans and threats from football authorities

“We made a mistake, and we apologise for it"

Pick of the quotes from @AFP after the dramatic unravelling of the proposed breakaway European Super League after a furious backlash

Leaders of the breakaway European Super League were searching for ways to rescue the ill-fated project on Wednesday after all six English clubs pulled out and Italy's Inter Milan were tipped to follow suit

Liverpool owner John W Henry apologised on Wednesday for his part in the proposed European Super League, which lies in ruins after a mass pullout from Premier League clubs

#BREAKING Super League no longer exists without English clubs: Juventus president Andrea Agnelli

#BREAKING Atletico Madrid withdraw from European Super League

#BREAKING Inter Milan withdraw from Super League: club

#UPDATE Inter Milan have withdrawn from the European Super League (ESL) project after the departure of all six English clubs as well as Atletico Madrid, the Italian club announced on Wednesday ⚽

#BREAKING AC Milan bow to fans, withdraw from Super League: club

#UPDATE The two Milan giants and Atletico Madrid followed all six English Premier League football clubs in pulling out of the #EuropeanSuperLeague on Wednesday, dealing a fatal blow to the project #ESL #AFPSports

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