Disabled Vancity 🏴‍☠️ Profile picture

Apr 21, 2021, 13 tweets

December 1, 2020

The Dishonourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Disability Exclusion, said during her side event at the United Nations that her government took longer than it should have to provide one-time $600 to approx. ⅓ of Canada’s disabled (DTC):


Minister Qualtrough continued, saying that her government is thus “determined to not let history repeat itself,” and that part of their so doing: implement a Disability Inclusion Action Plan with new Canadian Disability Benefit.

But their Budget 2021 proves that that was a lie.

In the Budget 2021, Carla Qualtrough’s government commits $12-million over the next *three years* on consultations for reforming their benefits’ eligibility processes.

It took more than half a year to provide the aforementioned $600; the Minister then said, they wouldn’t repeat.

But instead of not repeating that half-year delay, Carla Qualtrough’s government is further delaying any potential additional help (that may not even arrive, as said in P. 459 summary screen capture above: “may lead to a new benefit”) upward of three years.

Where is the media?!

Importantly, to counter their “provincial jurisdiction” lie. The federal government gave up to $8,000 to disabled students on provincial disability, who neither had to have ever worked prior or even look for work as non-severe risk students were required:


*for consultations on

In continuation of Minister Qualtrough and PM Trudeau using “provincial jurisdiction” lie to not help majority of Canada’s disabled...

In same December 1, 2020, UN event, the Minister said that she herself established the goverment’s Disability Advisory Group (CDAG):


December 4, 2020

Carla Qualtrough welcomes her government’s Disability Advisory Group’s final report.


Minister Qualtrough was the Disability Advisory Group’s co-chair, who wrote its foreword.

Note how the Minister listed emergency financial supports last, i.e. “of least importance.”


That listed *last*: glaring.

The Disability Advisory Group made a series of recommendations for the Minister to implement, with their *first* priority recommendation: immediately provide emergency $2,100 to every disabled Canadian, in $350/month installments over 6-month period.

12 days from now, May 4, 2021, it’ll have been 5 long months since December 4, 2020.

Minister Qualtrough still has not implemented CDAG’s first priority recommendation, while disabled Canadians are left to beg strangers to help fulfil Amazon Wishlists for food.

#FireTheCreep 🤬

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