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MENA politics/Palestinian/sometimes no thoughts,just cats /we wait 4 Jesus too- Views r absolutely mine.Retweet isn't endorsement unless I say so

Apr 22, 2021, 33 tweets

Happening now in Jerusalem: Jewish extremist settlers heading toward Bab El Amoud according to plan to carry out attacks against Palestinians.


Horrifying night in Jerusalem.

“Hundreds of Jewish Supremacists March Toward Jerusalem’s Old City Chanting ‘Death to Arabs’” Haaretz.

Jewish Supremacists gathering at the new gate heading towards bab El Amoud rn.


Water cannon & stun grenades are not used against those loudly & confidently chanting “The nation demands Arabs in the fire."

I hate this broken ass planet. #Jerusalem

Horrifying! Jewish extremist settlers are attacking Palestinians houses rn.


Jewish extremist settlers closing the main street banning entry of Al Maqased hospital ambulances in Al-Sawana neighborhood in occupied #Jerusalem

Video source: Alqastal- FB

A testimony from #Jerusalem

Guy Hirschfeld

My heart breaks and so many hearts must be broken tonight watching #Jerusalem turns into a battlefield because one group believes that their race is superior and more worthy.

Its a crying shame that this is happing *AGAIN* in today's world.

And I find hope in this fleeting moment. Palestinians chanting after a violent night


Palestinians from Umm El Fahem arrived early morning to pray in Al Aqsa mosque & to show support to the Jerusalemites who had countered the Jewish extremist settlers attacks last.

Source: Christine Rinawi

Conclusion: Jewish extremist setters DID NOT MAKE it to Bab El Amoud in #Jerusalem last night.
Kudos to the Jerusalemite youth

Be safe guys..

Direct ‘targeted’ shooting at a Palestinian in #Jerusalem

The problem is NOT just the extremist Jewish settlers U know.

A bus in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem was attacked by jewish extremist settlers.

Source: @samiaah10


Jerusalemite lawyers volunteer to provide legal advice to those have been arrested and investigated in connection to Jewish settlers atrociuos attacks on Palestinians.


#last night was a clear message that Jerusalem is off limit to Oslo. important reminder among other messages. Personally grateful that PA has no jurisdiction over #Jerusalem
The scene would have been way different.. 🙏

2 Palestinian journalists, Mohamed Ateek & Qutaiba Salem have been arrested by Israeli occupation forces over media coverage of Jewish extremists attacks on Palestinians last night in #Jerusalem

Source Alqastal square- FB

From the squares of AlQsa mosque rn.

Another violent night ... This was captured at Qalandia, north of the occupied #Jerusalem

Violent clashes at the notorious Qalandia checkpoint between Palestinians and Israeli occupation forces.


Palestinian refugees in Naher ElBared in Lebanon send a messing of solidarity to #Jerusalem

Source: Younes Arar-FB

Less extremist Zionists: “We want you to leave your place so we take it”

Jerusalem: NO

The surrounding of Bab El Amoud- #Jerusalem rn

Jewish extremist settlers started to gather near Bab El Amoud. #Jerusalem

Allah yestor

Chief orchestrators of “Death to Arabs”

Palestinian youth smash security camera in the streets of #jerusalem


Palestinians in Silwan burn the houses that were sold to the Jewish settlers couple of weeks ago.

Source: Lana M. Kamleh

Was any of the Jewish extremist settlers arrested since the violence broke out in #Jerusalem .
Serious Q. I know 50 Palestinians have been arrested so far and they weren’t the ones calling to burn people.

What seems to be another violent night in the Bab Al-Amoud area in #Jerusalem now

Israeli occupation forces attacking Palestinian worshipers in Bab El Amoud- #Jerusalem

Clashes flared up between palestinians & Israeli occupation forces in Al-Tour town in #Jerusalem

Source: AlQastal FB

“United Jerusalem” anyone?
Bab El Amoud rn.

Israeli occupation forces brutally attack a Palestinian at the Bab AlZahera area - Jerusalem

Source- Maydan AlQuds.FB

Palestinian refugees in Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp in Lebanon took the streets in solidarity with Jerusalemites


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