A Chronology of The Stupid & Wrong Things @AlexanderDowner Has Said About COVID
#auspol #insiders #UKPolitics
April 3, 2020
Downer suggests Australian States can't legally close borders.
Borders did close borders and it was legal.
#auspol #insiders
April 7, 2020
Downer ponders "the moral dilemma of our time"
His most unconscionable tweet - there's no moral dilemma - human existence must come before capitalism or life on earth will cease to exist.
There's no moral dilemma for those of us with morals.
#auspol #insiders
April 20, 2020 & April 30, 2020
Downer congratulates Australia for banning visitors from COVID hotspots then ten days later advocates for travel from COVID hotspots bcuz it suits his lifestyle - i.e. he commutes regularly btwn South Australia & London.
#auspol #insiders
July 23, 2020
In a subtle attempt to undermine Dan Andrews in the middle of a 2nd wave, Downer compares VIC to UK
Downer was awfully quiet about UK's statistics later in 2020 when UK recorded massive numbers of cases & deaths & VIC was virtually COVID-free
#auspol #insiders
September 11, 2020
Downer continued his COVID gaslighting, ill-informed comments & attacks on Australian states for their successful COVID action despite losing his otherwise healthy 41yr old friend to COVID.
Remember he said COVID was 'madness'?
#auspol #insiders
September 16, 2020
Downer again talked down the enormity of the COVID problem.
He was as quiet as a church mouse when just weeks later the UK's COVID cases & deaths went through the roof - he chose not to compare statistics then
#auspol #insiders
October 14, 2020
Downer still giving out COVID advice from his comfy self-appointed epidemiologist chair while lamenting the fact he doesn't know the facts
Despite every trapping of privilege Downer chose not to inform himself of the science. Still hasn't
#auspol #insiders
October 27, 2020
Downer still comparing COVID to the flu.
A man in his position who uses his platform to dismiss the science of COVID when he has zero medical training is dangerous & proves a lack of intelligence & moral fortitude.
#auspol #insiders
November 26, 2020
Downer boasts of Australia's restraint while simultaneously using every opportunity to undermine the science & criticizing every action that helped to achieve that restraint.
Would've cost us a lot more without States' effective measures
#auspol #insiders
November 29, 2020
Downer continues to boast on the world stage that Australia has handled the pandemic quite well.
Despite that, he continues to attack Australian States (predominately Labor States) & lockdowns that helped to achieve that success.
#auspol #insiders
And finally, despite everything Downer managed to fly back & forth to Australia during the pandemic.
His privilege ensured he was prioritized over #strandedAussies & those missing out on family funerals & other important occasions.
He flouted his privilege
#auspol #insiders
@AlexanderDowner you accuse Twitter of lacking manners while you yourself accuse ppl like me of being 'Feral Lefties' I put it to you that you have consistently been wrong, divisive & duplicitous about COVID while omitting facts that don't fit your narrative.
#auspol #insiders
Is that a well-mannered enough take-down for you @AlexanderDowner?
You should spend less time worrying about manners & more time searching for your moral compass & facts about COVID before using your ivory tower platform to misinform & undermine Australians
#auspol #insiders
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