🇮🇳 Sangitha Varier 🚩 Profile picture
आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतः🕉Let noble thoughts come to me from all directions🇮🇳Blessed by #Hon #PM @narendramodi Ji 🚩

Apr 25, 2021, 7 tweets

Just Within This Week :
#Hon #PM @narendramodi Ji led @BJP4India Govt 🚩
-Centre has Airlifted 23 Oxygen tankers from Germany..
-Centre has Airlifted oxygen tankers from UAE
-Centre has Airlifted oxygen tankers from Singapore 🇮🇳1/n

🇮🇳 2) Centre is running Oxygen express Trains to every state..
Centre is installing 262 oxygen plants in every state
-Centre has taken all Top Industrial tycoons in loop and have asked Ambani /Adani/Tatas /Jindals etc to provide Oxygen from their Industrial plants..

🇮🇳 3)Created 1000+ beds in Delhi with ICU and Oxygen
-Life eaving Injection Remdisivir production increased to 90 lakh/month from 40 lakh/month.
-DRDO/ITBP/ARMY is providing Beds, Drs etc under @DefenceHQ
-Industries to build health infras using CSR with @FinMinIndia approval !

🇮🇳4)Vaccination open for 18+ from May 21.
-All BJP states will be providing vaccine for free.
-5kg free grains will be provided to 80cr people for next 2 months for Rs 26,000 crores
This is what #Hon #PM @narendramodi Ji @BJP4India Govt has done within 1 week of 2nd #Covid wave!

🇮🇳5)Today, we are not running low in PPE kits, masks, ventilators as we increased our production last year..
Remember, this is a pandemic (after 100 of years) , No country I repeat No country incl Developed countries like US,UK, France,Italy can cope up with such dangerous wave!!

🇮🇳6) Truth:162 Oxygen plants were sanctioned by Centre to every state as per demand last year.. Money was sent too..
Only 33 plants were installled by states..
Delhi govt installed 1 out of 8 plant sanctioned by Central govt..
WB: None..
Rajasthan : None
Who is to be blamed??

🇮🇳7)No other leader excepting #Hon #PM @narendramodi Ji @BJP4India Govt could have handled this Surge at this level where IAF/Army is being used !
Stay Strong India🇮🇳
We Will Win this Battle 🇮🇳
Our Faith In & Support for #Hon #PM @narendramodi Ji is Absolute & Unconditional 🙏

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