Ed O'Keefe Profile picture
@CBSNews Senior White House & Political Correspondent. @AmericanU alum. @nahj. Proudly #Latino & #Irish 🇬🇹 🇮🇪 https://t.co/OS6x3WVmdQ

Apr 25, 2021, 9 tweets

HOW’S @POTUS BIDEN DOING AS HE HITS 100 DAYS? @cbsnewspoll finds fairly strong approval ratings because most like the way he’s handling the country’s top priorities. And he has especially strong marks on the pandemic and vaccine rollout and his legislative pieces are popular.

A majority pick words to describe @POTUS like “Presidential,” “focused”, and “competent.” They also say they’d generally like politics for the next 4 years to be “steady,” and “normal” more so than they want it “shaken up” or even “exciting.”

Most call the recent stimulus package helpful to the economy, and infrastructure is very popular: spending more on roads, bridges, and broadband finds widespread favor in principle, and Biden’s proposal overall nets majority backing, according to new @CBSNewsPoll.

New @CBSNewsPoll finds strong support for @POTUS Biden’s handling of the #covid19 pandemic and his American Rescue Plan.

There’s also widespread support for @POTUS Biden’s handling of #COVID19 vaccine distribution: majority overall, among independents and Democrats and nearly 50% of Republicans.

AND/BUT... @POTUS Biden gets only about half the overall Republican approval that Obama got in early 2009, just before the party splits on presidential approvals got even more polarized, where they’ve remained for years.

The @cbsnewspoll finds most Republicans still do not say @POTUS Biden was the legitimate winner of the election, and six in ten of former President Trump’s voters now want to see their Congressional representatives oppose Biden at every turn.

IS @POTUS BIDEN TRYING TO WORK WITH CONGRESSIONAL REPUBLICANS? A majority of Americans think so, according to @CBSNewsPoll:

READ THE FULL RESULTS of the @CBSNewsPoll on @POTUS Biden’s first 100 days, here: cbsnews.com/news/joe-biden…

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