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Apr 26, 2021, 13 tweets

I received this disgusting and transphobic flyer from the @ACLobby in my letterbox today. The scare tactics are only half-truths at best. A thread. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
#auspol #springst #LGBTQ

'Parents like you' only applies if you are a parent that is transphobic or homophobic and you try to suppress your child's sexual and/or gender identity.

For most parents, this doesn't apply. A good parent loves their child no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity.

A good parent would seek medical advice on such a matter and as Attorney-General @JaclynSymes said during the debate on this bill:

"...nothing in this bill changes the advice, support and medical treatment that a qualified medical professional deems appropriate."

So clearly this argument from the @ACLobby is misleading. When it comes to medical treatment, all parents should seek the advice of a qualified medical professional and that includes hormone therapy.

This is again very misleading. The referenced study is first of all only on boys and has a small sample size. The study also collected participants using old criteria (that was in use at the time in 1989).

The criteria is stricter under GSM-V. It is now also called Gender Dysphoria rather than Gender Identity Disorder.

You can read the referenced study here: frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…

You can read on DSM history here: psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/…

You can read on Gender Dysphoria here: psychiatry.org/patients-famil…

The changes in DSM criteria are important as it is more limiting. When a study says 80% 'desist' after puberty, you know that some of the children didn't actually have Gender Dyspohira so of course they 'desisted'.

Not only is the study flawed due to the now outdated criteria, but 36.7% of the boys in the study didn't even meet the old criteria for Gender Identity Disorder so they clearly wouldn't meet the stricter criteria for Gender Dysphoria.

When you consider that 80% of the supposed 'desisters', are possibly made up of the 36.7% who clearly aren't transgender and that some of the 66.3% who met the old criteria, might not meet the new criteria and therefore also aren't transgender.. The 80% looks rather bogus.

This is just not true. As you can see in screenshots from the legislation, a qualified health professional is still free to provide professional health advice.

Good. If your kid is same-sex attracted or transgender and you try to suppress it, you should be reported.

It's not about having the "wrong" conversations with your kids though. It's the fact that trying to suppress who someone is, is just plain wrong.

Interesting that the @ACLobby is only targeting the transgender aspects of the law. The bill bans conversion therapy too. Perhaps the Christian Lobby has realised that most people don't hate same-sex attracted people and are trying to spread their hate via transphobia instead?

I've now thrown this flyer into the trash where it belongs. If you receive one, I recommend that you do the same. If you are #LGBTQ+, I'm sorry if you received this in your mailbox - please know that such disgusting views on the ACL are the minority!

Enjoy your night people!

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