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Apr 26, 2021, 6 tweets

Vaccine equity and universal access to vaccines are essential. It is immoral and selfish and unjust--and will prolong the pandemic--to oppose waiving patent production for #COVID19Vaccine production.

It’s horrendous that while so many are desperate for vaccines globally, there are antivaxxer fuckwits in US, UK - etc who co-opt “my body my choice” and co-opt the Holocaust to “justify” their fuckery. I made this in May 2020 🎥 @rerutled #FuckNormal

8 police officers were injured and 5 people arrested for assault after an anti-lockdown protest in Hyde Park, London, over the weekend. More footage at @Urban_Pictures #COVID19

I want to remind you that while ☝️🏽it is police in London who were effectively kettled by anti-lockdown protests, in March it was police who kettled people at a vigil for a woman murdered by a police officer. The police did this to one

And the police in Manchester did this to a woman protester at a #KillTheBill protest in March. In the UK, the Police and Crime Bill aims to give police more power. Seeing the video and these pics, the question is: more power against who?

Bill Gates says no to sharing vaccine formulas with global poor to end pandemic.

Health advocates blast Microsoft billionaire for saying patent protections on life-saving vaccines must remain h/t @candaceshaw… #COVID19Vaccine

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