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Apr 26, 2021, 10 tweets

While immunization services begin slow recovery from #COVID19, millions of children around the 🌍🌏🌎 remain vulnerable to deadly diseases.

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According to WHO data, 6⃣0⃣ mass immunization campaigns are currently postponed in 5⃣0⃣ countries, putting around 2⃣2⃣8⃣ million people - mostly children - at risk for diseases such as #measles, #YellowFever and #polio.

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To support the recovery from #COVID19 and to fight future pandemics, we must ensure access to lifesaving vaccines and routine vaccination services are protected in every country in the 🌎🌏🌍.

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Immunization saves lives and protects peoples’ health.

βœ… #Measles vaccines alone prevented over 2⃣5⃣ million deaths since 2000
βœ… #Polio vaccines have brought cases down by over 9⃣9⃣% since 1988

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Immunization improves countries’ productivity and resilience.

#VaccinesWork to protect countries from the overwhelming economic impact of future disease outbreaks.

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Immunization helps ensure a safer, healthier world

#VaccinesWork to bring us closer to stronger global health security and more resilient, sustainable health systems.

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It’s #WorldImmunizationWeek.

Childhood vaccines save over 4⃣ million lives every year - that’s

🎈 11,000 children every day
🎈 450 children each hour
🎈 8 children, each minute, of every day

#VaccinesWork to bring us closer.

By 2030, the Immunization Agenda aims to:

🎯 Achieve 90% coverage for essential vaccines given in childhood & adolescence
🎯 Halve the number of children who completely miss out on vaccination
🎯 Introduce 500 new vaccines in low & middle-income countries


The impact of childhood vaccination is increasing:

3⃣0⃣ million lives saved in 2001-10
4⃣0⃣ million lives saved in 2011-20
5⃣0⃣ million lives will be saved in 2021-30, if global targets are met

#VaccinesWork to bring us closer.

Vaccines protect us from diseases at every stage of our life, from infancy through adolescence and into old age.

#VaccinesWork to bring us closer πŸ‘‰

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