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Apr 27, 2021, 6 tweets

Persons with disabilities are disproportionately impacted by #COVID19
Especially when vaccine supply is limited, countries should ensure that eligible persons with disabilities have equal access to vaccination like others.
👉 #VaccinEquity

To stop the spread of #COVID19, all prevention measures should be inclusive of persons with disabilities, including vaccination.

No one is safe until everyone is safe! #VaccinEquity

During #COVID19, women with disabilities may face
🚨 domestic violence
🚨 economic stress
🚨 health shocks
🚨 prolonged period of isolation
🚨 reduced access to health services
👉 #HealthEquity

When planning #COVID19 vaccination, governments should prioritize
✅ older persons w/ disabilities
✅ those persons w/ disabilities w/ relevant underlying health conditions
✅ disability support services staff in health & social care settings

To facilitate effective vaccination delivery for persons with disabilities, health providers should
✅ provide accessible #COVID19 vaccine info & vaccination processes
✅ Ensure accessibility to vaccination sites

👉 #VaccinEquity

Residential institutions & long-term care facilities should
✅ share #COVID19 vaccine info ℹ️ & vaccination processes with residents, their families & support networks
 ✅ offer residents medical consultations for specific inquiries

👉 #VaccinEquity

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