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Bilateral Total Joint Replacement of Tmj, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Crps Type 2 of Face, Severe Chronic Intractable Pain Sufferer Fighting Through The Opioid Crisis

Apr 27, 2021, 5 tweets

What if I decided to file a lawsuit (against ??) for the RIGHT to choose to die w/ dignity BECAUSE I am being DENIED the RIGHT to treat my severe intractable pain w/ #pain meds? Hang w/ me for a sec.. #ipp #cpps

I DON'T want to die! I also DON'T want to be forced to live a life of relentless suffering w/o pain meds. Would a #HumanRightsLawsuit help fight for our rights for adequate pain control? #PainManagement
@ACLU @acluohio

How can they legally deny me the right to die w/ dignity (& on my own terms) but they are also trying to FORCE me to LIVE the rest of my life in horrible excruciating #IntractablePain without the Rx #opioids that I needed & have taken for 19 years to function? @ACLU

So I'm not allowed to DIE w/ DIGNITY because I'm not sick enough BUT They're FORCING me to LIVE without DIGNITY by intentionally withholding the Rx #opioids that allow me to live a functional life? Basically I can't live w/ dignity nor can I die w DIGNITY. BS! @ACLU @acluohio

They cannot have it both ways! Would a #lawsuit like this help #cpps? Honestly? Because if it could help everyone everywhere I would seriously consider it! @ACLU #opioidhysteria #lawsuits #HumanRights

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