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Apr 27, 2021, 13 tweets

#THREAD on the (surely?) ironically named 'The New Culture Forum' - yet ANOTHER shit-stirring-hard-right-free-market-obsessed-anti-woke-#55TuftonStreet-based-think-tank, featuring all the usual suspects, & founded by idiosyncratic Brextremist ex-ukipper, Peter Whittle.

Whittle is founder & director of the 'New Culture Forum' think tank, & host of the right wing @YouTube show 'So What You're Saying Is...' -imagine a kind of self-help group/show for the "silenced" (🤪) 'stars' of the unhinged Libertarian wing of the anti-woke mob.

The New Culture Forum is part of the gang at 55 Tufton St, which since the 2010s has hosted free-market hard-right lobby groups, a group of which, dubbed "THE NINE ENTITIES"😳, use the building for biweekly meetings to coordinate policy & public messages.…

The "Nine Entities" are nine Libertarian lobby groups:

Adam Smith Institute
Brexit Central
Centre for Policy Studies
Global Warming Policy Foundation
Institute for Economic Affairs
Leave means Leave
New Culture Forum
The Tax Payers’ Alliance…

In 2019 Whittle launched the 'New Culture Forum' @YouTube channel, which claims to 'redress the balance' which it claims is currently lacking in the Lefty MSM - though I'm not convinced they've read any newspapers, looked online, watched TV, or listened to any radio this century.

It's EXACTLY what you'd expect: people who are ALWAYS on TV/radio, in newspapers/magazines & all over social media RELENTLESSLY moaning about how they're cancelled/silenced etc

The four shows are: "So What You're Saying Is...", "CounterCulture" (🤣) "Heresies", & "Newspeak".


Hosted by Whittle, 'So What You're Saying Is...' is the New Culture Forum's 'flagship' interview programme, which is provocatively named after a phrase used by @cathynewman of @Channel4New during her interview with Jordan Peterson.

The guests are EXACTLY who you think they'd be.

'So What You're Saying Is...' is basically ANOTHER soapbox for culture war warriors like Laurence Fox, Ann Widdecombe, Dave Rubin, Rod Liddle, Andy Ngo, Mike Graham, Brendan O'Neill, Julia Hartley-Brewer, Inaya Folarin Iman, Paul Emberry etc.

I'll come back to an episode soon...

The "CounterCulture" show (sorry, can't stop giggling at this), is, they claim, a 'cultural & socio-political discussion show'.

But it's just another opportunity for the anti-woke brigade to sit around slagging off people they don't like - basically anyone left of Enoch Powell.

The episode I endured, SO THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TO, comprises the mindless rantings of a bitter old crank who, following the 2011 riots said: "The Whites have become Black", & who told Darren Grimes slavery was not genocide because there are "SO MANY DAMN BLACKS" still around! 😳

So, I just want to give you a flavour of what David Starkey said.

This direct quote arose around the 36 minute mark:

"Wokery - whatever it touches it destroys, & of course it's infected the HR departments of virtually every company, of every profession, of Learned Societies..."

..."(including) the Royal Historical Society under the disgraceful leadership of (Professor of Modern History) Margot Finn, who signed up for the most extreme version of #BlackLivesMatter - why are bodies doing that? I mean..."

"...we have Permanent Secretaries in the Civil Service concluding official memoranda with (Starkey raises his fist to signify the #BlackLivesMatter symbol) - it is a SCANDAL! A GENUINE SCANDAL! IN MY VIEW IT'S EVERY BIT AS BAD AS PUTTING A SWASTIKA".

Thanks for reading. 🙏

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