Malcolm Clark Profile picture
TV science writer who campaigns against puberty blockers. Trans identified males are men. Subscribe:

Apr 28, 2021, 7 tweets

1./ Maya Forstater's case is all about the defence of FACTS so I was intrigued to see @SkyNews put trans activist @BobbityP up against @MForstater. Bobbi says Maya's tweets were deeply offensive and deny "hormonal development in the brain".🤦‍♂️So what is Bobbi's record on FACTS?

2./ When @Commonswomequ dared even to consult women's organisations like @Womans_Place_UK on GRA Reform ,Bobbi compared it to consulting with the KKK on racism. Bobbi said she had no faith in the process which is surprising since Bobbi has achieved so much in such a short time.

3./ A top BP exec, Bobbi's won a slew of awards since transitioning in 2017; including Nestle's 2020 LGBT Award as a Diversity Hero. Bobbi's living proof corporate capitalism embraces gender identity ideology and intends to impose it from the top down.👇

4./ Bobbi now runs a training business that offers multinationals "the information you need to make an informed decision" on transgender issues. But how accurate will that information be? Here's Bobbi's retweet about the law on single sex spaces.👇

5./ Single SEX spaces as the words suggest are by law allocated by birth SEX and are not based as the retweet suggests "on how people appear". I mean if they were based on how people appear, how would everyone's favourite bearded "lesbian" Alex Drummond fare?👇

6./ With this level of ignorance maybe it's not a surprise Bobbi retweeted that mythic tale by @jameelajamil in which Jameela claimed loads of girls in her school were on puberty blockers in the 90s. Medics ridiculed the notion. FACTS it turns out aren't Bobbi's strong suit.👇

7./ I wish Bobbi well. Not everyone can be an expert on complex gender issues (even if you ARE advising wealthy multinationals on them). But it's precisely because fictions are now being imposed in the workplace and called "facts" that Maya's case matters so much. #factsmatter.

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