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Apr 28, 2021, 15 tweets

28 April 1945.

#OnThisDay 76 years ago, Fascist Dictator of Italy Benito Mussolini along with his mistress Clara Petacci were lynched by Communist partisans.

The bodies were later hung upside down in a square at Milan.

Adolf Hitler was so disturbed at the news of how his friend met his end, made sure he would be spared this indignity after death.

Just 2 days later, Soviet troops had surrounded the Fuhrerbunker in Berlin.

Hitler committed suicide and gave orders for his body to be burnt.

#Mussolini came to power in 1922. Within 6 years, he had turned Italy into a one-party Fascist state.

Mussolini was a bumbling fool with a talent for oratory. But Italy had a slavish media that turned his every failure(Invasion of France and Greece) into a MASTERSTROKE!

Media covered Stage managed PR events where Mussolini, called 'Il Duce'(The Leader) interacted with children, engineers and farmers.

Editorji's wrote glowing op-eds after the disastrous campaigns in France and Greece, comparing 'Il Duce' to Emperors of the Roman Empire!

In short, between 1922 & 1943, Mussolini was incarnate of GOD himself!

Anyone who disagreed with #IlDuce met an inglorious end in mysterious "encounters".

Giacomo Matteotti, a communist politician and the fiercest critic of Mussolini's Fascist regime, was killed during his morning walk along the River Tiber.

A carpenters file was found driven into his body 2 days later.

Opposition politician Carlos Roselli and his brother Elli were murdered in a resort in France where they were living in exile.

The brothers were running a newspaper critical of Mussolini's Fascist Regime and has also setup a partisan front "Justice and Liberty movement".

Mussolini's Fascism had many supporters among the Italian immigrant communities in the United States. These immigrant supporters helped to put in place soft American policies towards Fascist Italy initially.

That changed after Germany invaded Poland and Italy joined the Axis!

For 21 years, Mussolini was God of all he surveyed. However everything changed the moment US troops landed in Sicily.

Italians suddenly realised that their 'Il Duce' was not invincible and rose up in revolt.

This revolt ultimately ended with the lynching of Mussolini in Milan!

Hitler. Mussolini. Caucescu. Najibullah.

All Fascist dictators appeared invincible. But once people rose up in revolt, dictator and his regime fell like 9 pins. And all these dictators met their end in the street!

Those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it!

Every so often in history, we have had a dictator come along who believed he was God! And slavish media kept repeating that lie along with tales of invincibility nand "No option machaa!"

That Dictator was pulled down by the people and met his end on the street!


Never let anyone tell you 'The Leader' is invincible and there is "No option" but to suffer in silence.

Every dictator who believed he was God has met his end at the hands of the people he subjugated.

Regardless of what the "Editorjis" are telling us, People power always wins!

#TIL - Fascist dictator #Mussolini had a wife he refused to acknowledge in public - Ida Irene Dalser. Even a son - Albino Mussolini!

Ida was placed under surveillance by the police, and paper evidence of their relationship was tracked down and destroyed by government agents.

#Mussolini's first wife, who he never acknowledged, was sent into exile to San Clemente near Venice where she died due to "brain hemorrhage"!

Her tragic lifestory was the subject of the movie #Vincere released in 2009.

#Mussolini and Ida Dalser's son Albino suffered an even worse fate!

Albino was abducted by government agents and told that his mother was dead.

He was forcibly interned in a mental asylum, where he was murdered with a lethal injection at the age of 26.

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