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Apr 29, 2021, 12 tweets

@SenatorTimScott You want to have an honest conversation, Tim Scott

I don’t believe you’re prepared to address some hard truths

Because, Senator, before Democrats and Republicans can sit as equals, there are many questions you need to answer



@SenatorTimScott Your party famously decided making Obama a one term president was its most important priority

Not infrastructure
Not immigration reform
Not even the economy

No thought about helping the country

Why should Obama’s former VP work with you now


@SenatorTimScott The GOP worked hard to stop Obama, and his signature legislation, the Affordable Care Act

You fought it at every turn rather than working to improve it

Even though you KNEW it helped millions of Americans, you tried to kill it, lying when you claimed you had a better plan

@SenatorTimScott You did stop Obama from adding Merrick Garland to SCOTUS , refusing a hearing for 8 months to “let the people decide” in an election year

You want honesty

That was the most disgusting partisan move I ever saw-

Until you approved Amy Barrett for SCOTUS, DURING an election

@SenatorTimScott You ask for honesty after your party supported-and still supports-a president who lied over 30,000 times

He lied about #COVID19-costing perhaps 450,000 Americans their lives

He lied about the election to destroy democracy

He was even so petty he lied about crowd size

@SenatorTimScott You ask for honesty, Tim Scott

But you lie about the Georgia voter suppression law-which was only enacted because of Trump’s lies to begin with

And which clearly targets Black voters so that Republicans can win elections and maintain power


@SenatorTimScott You want to talk, Tim Scott

How do we speak with a party whose members supported lies about the election-which led to a racist uprising and an attempted coup

Who not only let the man responsible for it get off, but are even now trying to rewrite its history

And why should we

@SenatorTimScott Senator, that your party is so dishonest that 147 of its Congressional delegates voted to overturn the election

When they KNEW Biden won fairly

And the GOP has now introduced over 250 bills to prevent Democrats from ever winning again

You have no integrity
Don’t pretend you do

@SenatorTimScott You’re also dishonest about the policies

You don’t support $2,000 payments in the #AmericanRescuePlan, then you do

And you supported $2 trillion for infrastructure-until Biden wins


Because both times, it wasn’t “what’s best for America”

It was “what’s best for the GOP”

@SenatorTimScott You can’t even be honest about racism

We watched the GOP for years

Demonize Brown immigrants
Attack Muslims
Badmouth Blacks who dare protest violence
Support white supremacy

Until millions protested policies that lead to racial injustice

Yet to you America is not racist

@SenatorTimScott Senator Scott, why should Democrats talk to GOP

You didn’t support the #AmericanRescuePlan

You don’t support the #AmericanJobsPlan

You won’t support the #AmericanFamiliesPlan

Or the #ForThePeopleAct

You won’t even support laws that cut child poverty by 50%


@SenatorTimScott I don’t expect you or your social media team to reply Senator

Because-if you really want honesty-you won’t put in the work

The GOP doesn’t really want to have a conversation

You want to dictate to and control us

But-and heres the real truth

Those days are done


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