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May 1, 2021, 9 tweets

Masks & washing hands stop working in fall/winter for #COVID19 in #France


(data from covidmap.umd.edu, it's survey data from Facebook users, more details: ojs.ub.uni-konstanz.de/srm/article/vi…)


essential shoping (shops, groceries, pharmacies...) and "positivity" rate are two distinct and separate process :p

#COVID19 #covid19france #France


actually reducing attendance to events with more than 10 people increases %pcr+ :D

#COVID19 #covid19france #France


i let you figure out yourself :)
(those FB folks do not use public transit that much...)

#covid19 #covid19france #France


worries flat whatever the stringency index
(can't tell if those FB folks are representative...)

#covid19 #covid19france #France


last but not least the best!

those FB folks know someone with c-19 symptoms and even experience a little bit of anosmia without having c-19 or flu like symptoms... all right on time in fall/winter

#covid19 #covid19france #France


addendum with acute respiratory infection incidence (Sentinelles)
Again those FB folks personally know someone with c-19 symptoms along with fall/winter peak in acute respiratory infections but they don't catch anything themselves... 🤔

#covid19 #covid19france #France

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