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May 5, 2021, 9 tweets

It's the International Day of the #Midwife!

Midwives are fundamental to ending preventable maternal & newborn deaths. But the world still needs 9⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣ more midwives to save lives of moms 🤰 and babies 👶.

👉 #MidwivesDay #IDM2021

The latest data from the State of World’s Midwifery report shows the shortage of #midwives is most critical in 8⃣8⃣ low- & middle- income countries where 9⃣5⃣% of 🌐 maternal/newborn deaths & stillbirths occur.

👉 #MidwivesDay #IDM2021

During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments must ensure #midwives are protected with adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) & prioritized for #COVID19 vaccines.

👉 #MidwivesDay #VaccinEquity

Investing more in #midwives means we could avert

6⃣7⃣% of maternal deaths
6⃣4⃣% of neonatal deaths
6⃣5⃣% of stillbirths

and save an estimated 4.3 million lives per year by 2035.

👉 #MidwivesDay #IDM2021

#Midwives do not just help women give birth. They also provide

🧡 antenatal care
🧡 postnatal care
🧡 family planning
🧡 management of sexually transmitted infections
🧡 sexual & reproductive health services

Let's invest more in midwives!

👉 #MidwivesDay

To help #midwives achieve their potential, countries need to invest more in

✅ education and training
✅ health workforce & the work environment
✅ leadership & governance
✅ service delivery

👉 #MidwivesDay #IDM2021

9⃣3⃣% of #midwives are women. But too many face persistent gender discrimination that prevents them from thriving professionally.

Gender transformative policies are key to change this! 👉 #MidwivesDay #IDM2021

Let's recognize the critical contribution #midwives make for global health by ensuring equal rights & equal opportunities for every midwife, everywhere!

👉 #MidwivesDay #IDM2021

#Midwives save lives & improve quality of care & the overall birthing experience for all women 🤱 & newborns 👶.


#MidwivesDay #IDM2021

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