Tom Swann Profile picture
don't worry things can always get much worse

May 11, 2021, 16 tweets

Fossil fuel subsidies in #Budget21 :
- money for billionaire Twiggy Forest's gas generator.
- more for other gas gens.
- subsidies to new gas basins.
- subsidies for oil.

#FundOurFutureNotGas #auspol

Fossil fuel subsidies apparently the best examples of "economic resilience", presented without irony immediately above funding for disaster response funding.

Including 'the Australian Climate Service'

Santos' Barossa LNG project would be Australia's highest CO2 LNG project and amongst the highest in the world.

It would produce more CO2 than actual LNG.

Commonwealth govt loves it so much it gets a shout out in the budget.

Ongoing "contingent liabilities" so complex they can't be quantified,

- free insurance for Chevron in case its Gorgon CCS project fails again in the future,
- various costs of an oil import crisis (if only there was some form of energy we could generate domestically)


The Aust govt loan to PNG LNG that started civil conflict when the landholders weren't paid. Good times.

Another spray of $ for fossil gas projects and studies, including

- $5.6m for another gas plan,
- $3.5m "to facilitate Commonwealth investment in critical gas infrastructure projects."

There we are: govt planning to use public $ to fund gas pipelines.


A spray of $ in #Budget21 for fossil gas projects and studies, incl:

- $5.6m for another gas plan,
- $3.5m "to facilitate Commonwealth investment in critical gas infrastructure projects."

There we are: govt planning to use public $ to fund gas pipelines.


In Treasurer @JoshFrydenberg's speech for #Budget21, he announces new subsidies for gas, and then without any irony, pivots immediately to rhetoric about protecting the environment.

Funding to crack open two more new fracked gas fields, and

$2.2m over 3 years for the Northern Land Council to "facilitate land use agreements... in the Beetaloo sub basin". Loose change for traditional owner agreement, subtle.

#budget21 #FundOurFutureNotGas

#Budget21 includes money to build roads for fracking trucks in the Beetaloo Basin. Literally called the "gas industry roads upgrade program".

Fossil gas subsidies in #Budget21
- spray of $ for projects that don't need it, shouldn't be funded
- new funding to design a "framework" for even bigger govt funding for gas pipelines.


Australian govt funding to fossil gas already most of a billion $.

#Budget21 offers up even more, and sets up the government to 'invest' more public money in gas.

Public money better spent on nearly anything else.


pretty much this 👇

Here's a particularly egregious bit of fossil fuel subsidy in #budget21

The "baselines" for emissions are set so high companies almost never reach them.

Now the govt will pay these companies to "reduce" emissions below that baseline.

What used to be called "hot air".

This funding will almost certainly go to gas companies to pay them to upgrade their massive facilities.

The person who proposed the policy used to run one of Australia's biggest gas companies.

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