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Oct 27th 2021
1/ The mainstream media are letting the Tories off with their #Budget21 coverage. Their accepting the Tory narrative and not doing adequate fact checking.
So, this is an ongoing Thread with fact checking on the Budget
(items in no particular order)
2/ The outlook isn’t “optimistic” the way Sunak claims - The UK is forecast to suffer the worst economic damage from Covid-19 of any G7 country.
3/ Borrowing - this stuff about balancing the books is nonsense, borrowing as practically equalled GDP, ie the money the whole economy makes since 1700!
Read 15 tweets
Oct 27th 2021
So - A radical simplification of alcohol duties.
FIVE STEPS (not 12??)
1) Slashing main duty rates from 15 to 6. The stronger the drink, the stronger the rate
2) A new, smaller producer relief. Small cider makers and other producers will be getting a lighter rate.
3) Changes to reflect the way in which people consume alcohol. (wait, wut?!?) No duty premium of 28% on sparkling wines, wherever produced.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 27th 2021
Healthcare spending to increase by £44bn by the end of the parliament.
The new Social Care Tax will go towards the NHS and social care services.
Also providing local government with £4.8bn funding
New housing settlement & more new homes "The largest in a decade"...
Is it really going to meet the New Homes quota that is needed?
#Budget21 #homes #mortgages
Read 4 tweets
Oct 27th 2021
This week @RishiSunak
has put up smokescreen of pre-Budget announcements, but on the front line of the economy business reports it is "handcuffed" by #shortages issues caused by #Covid_19 and
#Brexit -- here's what they mean. 1/Thread #Budget2021…
@RishiSunak So we start with Paul Askew @Porkyaskew the chef patron at the Art School @ArtSchoolLpool fine dining restaurant. He needs 36 staff, but only has 30. Hiring in UK is massive struggle; prices of ingredients going up. Some days he can't open private dining room, losing £4k /2
@RishiSunak @Porkyaskew @ArtSchoolLpool BUT he says he has not shortage of demand for his £164 tasting menu with wine flight...his quote sums it up:

“The tragedy is that we’ve got all the demand we can handle. And yet just at the time when we need to restore our cash flows, it’s like we’re handcuffed.” /3
Read 17 tweets
May 12th 2021
Let’s be clear, the Liberals are using their eighth Budget to fake they care about Australian women when they’ve ignored them in the last seven. A thread.

Much of the funding is simply the continuation of existing programs and services. The Government doesn’t deserve a pat on the back for stopping its own cuts.
Since 2013, the Liberals have cut women’s pay and working conditions. They’ve cut family benefits, child care, schools and Medicare. And they’ve tried to make women in crisis drain their own superannuation accounts to be able to escape a violent relationship.
Read 6 tweets
May 11th 2021
If you're interested in #DomesticViolence services being appropriately funded, does the "pink" #Budget21 do the job?
Domestic violence services funding increases by $250m per year – but is then CUT by 99%, down to just $2.3m, in 2025-26. 1/…
2/ So the govt either thinks #DomesticViolence will be non-existent by 2025 or the funding from 2021-2025 is a cynical political move.
3/ Alison Pennington @ak_pennington points out the "pink" bits of #Budget21 involves "small, short-term spending for women, compared with permanent & much more expensive changes announced for high-income earners & men. #auspol
Read 7 tweets
May 11th 2021
Fossil fuel subsidies in #Budget21 :
- money for billionaire Twiggy Forest's gas generator.
- more for other gas gens.
- subsidies to new gas basins.
- subsidies for oil.

#FundOurFutureNotGas #auspol
Fossil fuel subsidies apparently the best examples of "economic resilience", presented without irony immediately above funding for disaster response funding.
Including 'the Australian Climate Service'
Read 16 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
*How* exactly is Rishi Sunak bringing austerity back to public services?


A thread…🧵1/
“There's absolutely no way in which anyone can say that's austerity, we're spending more money on public services than we were," Sunak said last November...2/…
But this week a chorus of public finance experts said austerity is indeed returning to the public realm.

So who’s right? And what’s going on?...3/
Read 16 tweets
Nov 6th 2020
Belanjawan 2021 bakal mengimbangi keperluan kapasiti penjagaan kesihatan di samping membina momentum pemulihan ekonomi ketika ini dan membangunkan daya tahan yang lebih baik bagi masa depan - Laporan

Ekonomi Malaysia dijangka berkembang antara paras 6.5 peratus - 7.5 peratus pada 2021 sejajar dengan jangkaan peningkatan perdagangan global - Laporan
Kadar pengangguran dijangka turun kepada keseluruhan 4.2 peratus pada 2020 (4.7 peratus pada Ogos) dan terus susut kepada 3.5 peratus pada 2021 - Laporan
Read 20 tweets

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