N0rth0ftheW4ll 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
Its always darkest before the sunrise....

May 11, 2021, 12 tweets

The @AZGOP has lost control of #fraudit. At one time the @ArizonaAudit was the official acct 4 the #AZaudit in Maricopa county, but now Ken Bennet has informed the media he has lost control of this account & it locked out by someone from out of state. via @TerriJoNeff cc @jpanzer

From the start Ken Bennett claimed & it was stated in the bio that @ArizonaAudit was under his control or at least managed on his behalf. U can see that in these iterations. First using the email address he claims is his in court docs & then in the Bio. In early May this changed

Looking at the various associated websites and social media accounts and when they were created gives and interesting timeline and suggests who is really spearheading and running the #AZaudit #Fraudit

The out of state entity that has taken control of the @ArizonaAudit account and locked Ken Bennett out of access to it is likely this group apparently based in Florida. They appear to be running the #AZaudit and not @AZGOP #Fraudit

The America Project was recently created in Florida and appears to be a joint venture for the likes of Patrick Byrne (former boyfriend of arrested Russian Maria Butina), Mike Lindell (MyPillow Guy) and other Trumpies. #AZaudit

Even more odd and concerning is the fact that the FundTheAudit[.]com website REALLY likes to promote the Hong Kong based Epoch Times media site that has been under alot of scrutiny. It had many of its SM accnts suspended for spreading #disinfo, especially around the 2020 election

Both AmericaProject[.]com and FundtheAudit[.]com use the same, less than mainstream, payment system, hosted webforms and marketing services. In fact some run through foreign controlled infrastructure. #AZaudit #Fraudit

And all the fake accounts, playing both sides to boost the #Fraudit. Here was our thread from May 1st that discovered a fake AI generated account that was trying to pose as an AZ Democrat in favor of the #AZaudit. The person doesnt exist.

Here is a link to the @TPM article I mentioned earlier in the thread.

Oh right .. forgot Michael Flynn is also part of this #Fraudit. Word is they are desperate because the @AZGOP has seriously bungled this & they are running out of time, money and volunteers. #AZaudit

Oh yeah and speaking of fraud ... it only seems to be coming from the Republican side. Students for Trump founder gets 13 months in prison. #AZaudit #fraudit politicususa.com/2021/05/11/stu…

This is a good analogy to explain the #AZaudit #fraudit and far more kind than what I think it is .... which is a giant grift to milk millions of dollars from clueless Trump supporting rubes

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