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☀️ Yes, that Conspiracy. Follow the Money

May 11, 2021, 9 tweets

Nathan Myhrvold: Fear of clones is just another form of racism 🤪

#epstein #epsteinassociates


Myhrvold back in 2003.

Let's talk Space...annnnd Reusable Rockets!!!


Hmmm, sounds awfully Spacex-y 🤔


More Nathan Myhrvold technocratic wisdom in 2003:

"So, you ask what value space flight is. Well, with absolute certainty I can say that it is the only hope of saving the human race."


Musk saying the same thing as Myhrvold in 2013?

What a coincidence???? 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼


In 2000, Nathan Myhrvold left Microsoft to form Intellectual Ventures (IV)—a patent troll farm.

More interestingly, Global Good the 'humanitarian' arm of IV, created an infectious disease modeling database that was handed over to the Gates Foundation in mid-2020. #COVID19

I dunno, maybe giving #EpsteinAssociates like Bill Gates and Nathan Myhrvold access to depleted uranium—not the world's greatest idea...


Wow!!! Seattle was the epicenter of the initial media reported Covid19 outbreak in late Jan 2020.

Good thing Covasim was online within days to help aid in all that 'decision making' 🦸🏼🦹🏼🦸🏼‍♂️


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