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May 12, 2021, 10 tweets

It’s #InternationalNursesDay!

Today, we #SupportNursesAndMidwives by celebrating their bravery, kindness, and dedication πŸ’

Elizabeth Iro, WHO Chief Nursing Officer, takes us through her journey on becoming a nurse and what it means to be a nurse. Who is your favourite nurse?

Nurses are at the forefront of #COVID19 response

On this #InternationalNursesDay, let’s show our gratitude by doing our part and following public health advice from WHO and national health authorities.


In #Zambia only 5 πŸ‘‚, πŸ‘ƒ & throat specialists & 1 audiologist serve a population of 17 million. Nurses like Carol Sinkende, who works in a clinic in a remote area of πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡², are fundamental in doing community outreach & raise awareness about hearing loss.


🌍🌎🌏 needs more nurses!
We face a global shortage of at least 5.9 million nurses – with greatest gaps in Africa, Southeast Asia, countries in the Eastern Mediterranean region, & some in Latin America.

πŸ‘‰ #InternationalNursesDay

2021 marks 18 years since Virginia Legaile became a nurse. She became interested in noncommunicable diseases (NCDs( because some of her family members were patients themselves.

Today Virginie is one of 12 NCDs Coordinators across the Solomon Islands πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡§

Nurses are critical #healthworkers. Investment in their education & training will result in:
1️⃣ improved health outcomes
2️⃣ global health security
3️⃣ inclusive economic growth

#SupportNursesAndMidwives to achieve #HealthForAll!

To nurses everywhere:

❀ Thank you for working round the clock to keep us safe during the #COVID19 pandemic.

❀ Thank you for the difference you are making, every day and everywhere.


Nurses are at the forefront of #COVID19 response, providing high-quality, respectful treatment & care, and leading community dialogue to address fears & questions.

Without nurses, there would be no response.

On #InternationalNursesDay, we commit to #SupportHealthCareWorkers!

According to the State of the World’s Nursing Report 2020:

β˜‘ Governments must invest in massive acceleration of nursing education
β˜‘ 6 million new nursing jobs must be created by 2030
β˜‘ Investments must be made in nurse leadership


Happy #InternationalNursesDay!

Nurses & midwives are first responders, advocates & innovators in their:
β˜‘ communities
β˜‘ clinics
β˜‘ hospitals
β˜‘ healthcare systems

Name a nurse who has made a difference in your life and thank them today πŸ’

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