@intel_jakal Profile picture
Have been contemplating online retirement for a while, just waiting for a few predictions to pan out. Looking forward to days of fishing and relaxing.

May 14, 2021, 15 tweets

Following the release of #tether's distended testicle I mean attestation. I attempted to reconstruct some numbers....as mentioned only additional information I was able to yield was there was an additional $13m of undisclosed debt.

Armed with the donkey boys amazing double barrel pie chart I've added to the original analysis. The same doc previously shared which I'll share again at the end.

Ironically It's highly likely I've spent more hours on Tether's accounts in the last week than they have collectively in the last couple of years.

Combining the numbers that the Cayman testicle ticklers signed off on with Donkey's pie's we are able to breakout the cash....a massive $1.2B.....I found it interest that precious metals was bundled in with corporate bonds and funds....

Ive assumed that 'precious metals' is in fact Tether's little stock pile of gold...which by my calculations is around $145m....interestingly $9.8m is booked to treasury awaiting purchase (its been gathering dust for a while)....I'm guessing there's a few reasons why Tether gold

Hasn't quite gained as much traction as USDT.....for a start...(and as Donkey boy tweets daily) printing USDT to treasury is in anticipation of the avalanche of cash about to hit the account. Whereas with tether gold they stump up the coin to buy the gold first...

imagine if they had to stump up $1B of fresh lackies before Donks pressed print....bitcoin never would have broken 10k. but at least its actually fully backed even if its only 0.3% of assets. No idea whats Corp bonds and funds are so they remain bundled together.

tbh all the actions here.....there's commercial paper, Fiduciary deposits, reverse repos, treasury bills or T-BILLS as Gregory "I'm the junior CEO on training wheels" Peppin skooled us at length .....It was all about the T-Bills....fucks sake he must have said TBills 40 times...

Which is why I was a touch surprised that there's fuck all of them in the portfolio........I actually like Greg....mostly i liked his big gaming chair.....Apparantly he has a few of them....He sent me this snap of him in his favourite....awesome hey

anyways...back to the analysis....so it turns out half way through I realise that I'd missed a little black hole of $147million ...somehow the testicle tickler's consolidated total assets of $41.2B was $147m less than the aggregate total value of all 4 tokens.

wtf does that mean? Fuck knows....So I hit up Morons Caymans on Linked in.....and while I waited I tried to get tricky with the $147m....was it debt masquerading as a negative asset? Had the Wiz gone on a bender at spearmint rhino's and needed to hide the expense?

In the end...I said fuck it....ill just assume its either a mistake or its not....scenario 1 and 2...doesnt really matter .....be better to try and deal with the half dozen elephants running around the room.

I reckon this bloke would know a bit about commercial paper...can't seem to get hold of him....think he's pretty busy atm

I think you get the idea....here's teh spreadsheet for anyone that's interested bit.ly/3nDEMZ7

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