Heather Profile picture
Infectious Disease Lover, Public Health Guru Analyst in global health & infectious diseases. Epi & anthropology, India. views are my own. personal acct

May 16, 2021, 8 tweets

I often hear, and have felt myself like the need in India and South Asia is so great right now, but I didn’t know where my donation would be of the most use. While it is wonderful to donate to large international NGOs and other respected organizations, I wanted to feel like my /1

Donation would have an immediate impact for the people who need it the most. That’s why my family chose to set up a GoFundMe to support the hospital in Manali where we have volunteered over the past decade. While I had hoped the remote nature of the hospital would protect them /2

As expected, #COVID19 is flooding the Kullu Valley and surrounding regions. The hospital in Manali, LWH, is seeking supplies, PPE, and donations to continue to provide quality care while protecting the hospital staff (Image: Kullu Valley @anraed42 lnkd.in/daTwWKt) /3

Please consider joining me in supporting this wonderful cause. There are few opportunities I can think of for you to make a more immediate and tangible difference. Any donation, no matter how large or small, is appreciated and will be put to good use. /4

See how the funds will be spent & visit the website and blog at manalihospital.com to stay apprised of the situation. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts 🙏 #IndiaCovidCrisis #IndiaFightsCOVID19 #COVID19 #COVID19India #COVIDEmergencyIndia  #coronavirus #HelpIndiaNow /5

Please join me in supporting this important #COVID #India #IndiaCovidCrisis cause. LWH Manali Hospital Fundraiser donate here: gofund.me/1d0bb749. Thanks for your support, thoughts and prayers. /6

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