Sema Sgaier, PhD Profile picture
Scientist – Explorer – Entrepreneur Co-founder/CEO @SurgoVentures, Asst Prof of #globalhealth @UW #pandemics #healthcare #datascience #AI ❤ the sea

May 18, 2021, 10 tweets

Today, @SurgoVentures released a survey of 18K US adults revealing top barriers stopping people from getting a #CovidVaccine, state by state.

AND the @nytopinion turned my guest essay on the topic into an awesome #dataviz. See 🧵👇 for key learnings! 1/9…

Getting everyone vaccinated in the U.S. has become much harder now that demand is flagging. The strategy needs a complete rethink & it starts w/ understanding the specific reasons WHY people are hesitant -- aka what are the BARRIERS & BELIEFS stopping them from getting a jab? 2/9

Re BARRIERS, we identified the main barriers to vaccine uptake in each state. ⬇️ This provides a blueprint for state leaders to design precise, localized interventions & achieve @POTUS' goal of 70% vaccination coverage by July 4th. 3/9

Notably, we found people don’t start thinking concretely about barriers until they have confirmed that they want to get the vaccine. And the *anticipated* barriers (previous graphic) are different from the barriers people *actually experience* ⬇️ when they get a jab. 4/9

Re BELIEFS, in Feb we identified 5 vaccine personas. 👇
We found:
-39% of US adults are highly likely to get the vaccine (Vaccinated, Enthusiasts)
-the remaining 60% fall into 4 less likely segments (Watchful, Cost-Anxious, System Distrusters, COVID-Skeptics). 5/9

This approach, borrowed from marketing, is called psychobehavioral segmentation.
People in each segment share similar beliefs & barriers re #COVIDVaccination - NOT based on demographics. You'll see each persona includes *every* demographic: political, race, class, age, etc. 6/9

Our new survey then breaks down the pop. of each US state by persona.

Here is the breakdown of personas in my hometown of Wa DC 👇 - thanks to the amazing #dataviz by @stuartathompson & illustrations from Jorge Columbo!

Check out your own state:… 7/9

So, how did we come up with these personas? Our new interactive explainer illustrates our process + shows how valuable psychobehavioral segmentation is to the #CovidVacine rollout.

Learn more and pls share:… 8/9

Do you know someone who is unsure about getting the COVID-19 vaccine? If so, understanding their personal barriers & beliefs can help you figure out how to start a conversation with them.
Take our Vaccine Typing Tool quiz here to learn more. 9/9

Please find all the data & analysis included the NYT article + more in this press release:…
And the complete survey report:…

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