Sally Kift Profile picture
PFHEA Professor of Law All about the quality of the student experience. Keen on Transition Pedagogy.

May 25, 2021, 15 tweets

Next session #CMMNeededNow @SRMatchett
Job-ready for WHAT?
Industry-integrated edu
Talking co-creation, tech, innovation, meaningful work, scale, mental health, success vs pain
@Swinburne VC Quester
@UniversitySA @Marnie_HW
@ACENau Pres @tredefranziska
@COSBOA Chair McKenzie

@COSBOA McKenzie responds to above from SME perspective:
Do we have a system that focuses on #LifelongLearning needs?
Role of formal quals when focus on skills
Not leave any worker/learner behind
What about late quartile cohorts who have big need?
Whole ecosystem has not moved

@COSBOA McKenzie what I hear re #COVID:
How do I take my enterprise & re-task it?
Most important is
-financial capital &
-labour & skills
We focus on former at expense of latter
Industry could do more

@Swinburne VC Quester
-Magical combo of tech & people working together
-Perhaps we over focus on research translation
-engage w [approp] peak bodies
-we 'job ad scrape' to see what skills are looked for
-refocus our metrics/measures to what industry shortages are

@COSBOA McKenzie has
-41 orgs representing 1.3m businesses
-50.5% of national workforce - orgs <100 pp
@COSBOA is most dependent on external training, unlike big business who train for own skills needs
Big issues 4 them
-Skills, digitalisation, digitisation
-L'ing Architecture

@UTSEngage @tredefranziska
Have students in the workplace
Lifelong learning for life-wide careers
Learning by anyone, anytime, anywhere, about anything
Careers not linear
Students need to be prepared for the unpreparable, be agentic

VC Quester @Swinburne Moonshots
Talking about 'Swinterns' who will have interacted with world of work, which is not enemy territory
Work for study
Learning as you work & working as you learn, where human capital grows best
Not looking to past, as unis usually do

Now Undergrad Certs (from 2020 Easter announcement by @DanTehanWannon)
@SRMatchett asks why so popular?
Quester: because just-in-time
"We are in edu business not qual business" - we forget that

@innovate_unisa @Marnie_HW
-Tech virtuosity is valuable but let's show you how to prototype
-Lot of pp beyond school leavers who are precariously placed - say to them your know-how is valuable, so lets show you laterally where you could go
- a "ticket to continued learning"

@UTS @tredefranziska
Next Gen edu = engage with young pp about what diff they want to make in the world, to ensure not waste individ human capital
Nurture career dreams w no (@LTU_CHEEDR Harvey) 'closed doors'

@COSBOA McKenzie
Has been on Govt Digital Skills panel-how to put workers in position where opports of global & #Industry40 are realised for individuals
EU gets that skills is an enabler
Says #OzHE has done well w young pp quartile-but Quartile 2, 3 & 4 are dealt w very poorly😳

@COSBOA McKenzie
"Aust Inc has to get this right"
#OzHE has first job entry pretty right
But how to tackle over cohorts [for lifelong learning]
JEDI Nat Skills Commission report referenced: see…

@SRMatchett are #OzHE academic workforces up for cultural change?
@innovate_unisa @Marnie_HW: gets feedback all the time that
-We are uni of enterprise - nimble, responsive, u partner well & r culturally- & gender-diverse
-See a lot of can-do
Shout out for @ATNUnis

@COSBOA McKenzie asked if speak enough w #HE & #VocED
-lot of work to be done TBH
-need to all get together to "not let govt off the hook"
As an industry person I want skills - the just #STEM or #HASS dichotomy is pointless
-mental health
Is a @UTSEngage grad!

Such a great conversation
🤷Job-ready for WHAT?🤷
V positive & hopeful that x-sector industry-business-SME-@COSBOA integration with edu is actually possible!
Fab egs given
Thx @SRMatchett
@Swinburne VC Quester
@UniversitySA @Marnie_HW
@ACENau @tredefranziska
@COSBOA McKenzie

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