📍#Oxygen Therapy in COVID-19
➡️15% of #COVID19 patients may have moderate disease; #Oxygen saturation level may go < 94%
➡️5% of #COVID patients may have severe disease where once O2 level goes < 90%
- Dr. Ravichandra, National Tuberculosis Institute
Measuring O2 level with a #PulseOximeter
It measures the oxygen saturation or % of O2 in patient’s blood
A @WHO training manual says if oxygen saturation is 93% or lower, patient needs to be treated quickly
Saturation < 90% is a clinical emergency
You can measure respiratory rate without any device
Respiratory rate = No. of breaths a person takes per minute
Keep your palm on your chest, measure your respiratory rate for 1 minute
< 24/min, O2 level is safe
> 30/min, O2 level is low
📍What to do when you face Low Oxygen level❓
'Awake proning should be encouraged in patients who require supplemental O2 therapy', says @MoHFW_INDIA's Clinical Management Protocol
#COVID19 patient with respiratory embarrassment severe enough to be admitted to hospital may be considered for rotation, early self #Proning
Care to not disrupt flow of O2 during rotation
#Unite2FightCorona #StaySafe
A small proportion of #COVID19 patients end up needing supplemental oxygen
Experts advise #OxygenConcentrators can be used only in moderate cases of COVID-19
Excess of O2 may lead to complications
Details: pib.gov.in/PressReleasePa…
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