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TTRPG Photography 📸 Miniature Painting 🎨 5e DM 📜 He/Him *Currently on Hiatus from Twitter, Find me Anywhere Else*

May 30, 2021, 9 tweets

I would love to see other peoples builds that they played on. From drawings on graph paper to intricate 3D builds to online maps they built. Share your games below! #DnD #ttrpg #pathfinder

My first map I drew for my first DM session. This was when Mines of Phandelver came out. #DnD #ttrpg

Then I moved to using the Dungeon Tiles for a while and started getting minis. This was when the campaign shifted to Storm Kings Thunder after MoP. #DnD #ttrpg

I was pretty proud of this, I remade Nightstone from Storm Kings Thunder to scale. It blew my players minds so mission accomplished. #DnD #ttrpg

It was only a matter of time before the #dwarvenforge started making its way I to my builds. #DnD #ttrpg

My first elevation build, for the siege of Goldenfields. Really fun session. #DnD #ttrpg

Then at some point #dwarvenforge took over my soul and that is what most of my builds were from that point. #DnD #ttrpg

I did mess around with digital maps on a tv turned on its side. A really cool concept having animated pretty maps, but lugging the TV and setup wasn’t too fun so I stopped using it. But this is a great way to have top notch maps in a more cost effective way. #DnD #ttrpg

I wish you all many games with many snacks and good times. Have a good Sunday all! It’s been a rough year but I hope your tables start getting some use. #DnD #ttrpg

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