Lt. Col. (R) Peter Lerner Profile picture
Director General of International Relations @histadruthadash | Seen on TV as @IDF Spokesman in reserve | Proud #Zionist Leftie | #BringThemHomeNow 🎗️🇮🇱✊🏻

Jun 2, 2021, 5 tweets

I don't know why @VICENews removed #Hamas leader Sinwar interview with @HindHassanNews. I've got clips of the video uploaded
First clip - Sinwar admitting he miscalculated Israel's response to his orders to "send a message" by attacking Jerusalem with rockets.

Second clip - Sinwar rationalizing the reason for declaring war on Israel from #Gaza
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Here's where Sinwar says the war will continue forever, in an endless battle, because Israel exists. Says the people deserve peace (doesn't say how or what he's willing to do for it), blame the world for not stopping Israel (following Hamas miscalculated attack on Jerusalem)

When asked about Hamas war crimes for attacking Israeli civilians he basically says - "I came to a gunfight with a knife". Lies about Israel intentionally bombing children and women and says that if he had advanced weapons he wouldn't have bombed Israeli cities.

Here's the original @VICENews tweet and video that was deleted today. Also @rafsanchez @DovLieber & @POTUS popped up on my push notifications 😂

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