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Jun 3, 2021, 11 tweets

If HR1 & SR1 fail, @SenateDems & @HouseDemocrats shld try a standalone bill requiring #RobustManualAudits conducted in public (or public #HandCounting) for all federal races starting 2022. This may be the only time that some Rs will feel pressure to pass it. #ElectionTransparency

.@SenateDems & @HouseDemocrats should also try a separate standalone bill that bans paperless (unauditable) voting machines and that gives all in person voters the option to mark their ballots by hand with a pen (rather than a touchscreen). #HandMarkedPaperBallots

I also strongly advise that @SenateDems & @HouseDemocrats try a standalone bill that bans internet connectivity to voting machines. Seriously. Some Rs may agree. If the GOP shoots such a bill down, their own voters may turn on them. Assuming Democrats message the bill clearly.

.@dan_roam - inspired by your book :-)

Yes we need this. Here is what @philipbstark, America’s foremost election auditing expert, told me in October 2020.…

This is the type of manual audit that Stark recommends.

Manual recounts are very rare. Without automatic robust manual audits (conducted regardless of the margin of victory), we are blindly trusting our votes to black boxes. This is dumb. #RobustManualAudits

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