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Jun 7, 2021, 6 tweets

#BREAKING Mali's Colonel Assimi Goita sworn in as transitional president

#UPDATE Malian strongman Colonel Assimi Goita was sworn in as transitional president of the chronically unstable Sahel state on Monday, an AFP journalist saw

#BREAKING Mali strongman Goita promises government will "uphold all its commitments", pledges to stage "credible, fair and transparent elections"

#UPDATE Mali strongman Colonel Assimi #Goita vowed to honour his country's commitments on Monday and reaffirmed the goal of staging elections by next February as he was sworn in as transitional president following his second coup in less than a year

#BREAKING Mali political veteran Choguel Maiga named PM: official

#UPDATE Malian political veteran Choguel Maiga (pictured) was named transitional prime minister of the Sahel state on Monday, according to a statement read out on the country's national broadcaster, hours after Colonel Assimi Goita was sworn in as transitional president #Mali

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