Charlotte Askr~ Jinkook AUs Profile picture
BTS fan account~ Posting AUs: Jinkook, Taegi, VHope, Yoonmin etc 30+ 🐰❤️🐹

Jun 14, 2021, 117 tweets

#jinkook AU

Jin and Jungkook have a brief history but neither has moved on. When Jin accidentally posts something he shouldn’t on his public account, Jungkook begins to wonder if they have a chance after all.

Side pairings: VHope, others to be decided

-This is ongoing
-No replies to the thread, pls
-Feel free to QRT with comments, I’d love to hear them!
-Do not tag BTS to this AU
-Currently not 18+ but any tweets will be marked if they are

One more disclaimer: I’m not Korean, please forgive any mistakes I make in creating this AU world. ❤️

First meet the gang


-25 years old
-Singer in band Dreamz with Hobi, Tae and Joonie
-Recently came out publicly
-Huge crush on Jungkook

Public and Private profiles

I meant to say, btw, please ignore my timestamps/hair color. We’re making do here lol.


-21 years old
-Solo singer
-best friends with Jimin and Yoongi
-Trying to deny he’s in love with Jin

Public and Private profiles


-single and wishes he weren’t
-member of Dreamz
-Hoseok’s best friend

Public and Private


-24 years old
-No clue he’s in love with Tae
-member of Dreamz
Joonie’s best friend
-human sunshine

Public and Private


-Extremely aware he’s in love with Hobi
-Firmly believes he has no shot with him
-member of Dreamz
-best friends with Jin

Private and Public


-best friends with Jungkook and Yoongi
-wants to fall in love

Public and Private


-secretly in love with Jimin
-like legit, no one knows
-solo act
-best friends with Jimin and Jungkook

Public and Private

1. Tae is pathetic jsyk

2. Jin can’t catch a break #jinkook #jinkookau

3. No calls #jinkook #jinkookau

4. You first, buddy #vhope #jinkook #jinkookau

5. Posting selcas to cheer himself up #jinkook #jinkookau

6. is he okay #jinkook #jinkookau

7. JK needs help #jinkook #jinkookau

8. Oopsy #jinkook #jinkookau

9. Unhappy #yoonmin

10. More unhappy #jinkook #jinkookau

11. Now for some writing

12. and more writing #jinkook #jinkookau #vhope

13. more writing #jinkook #jinkookau #vhope

14. the post #jinkook #jinkookau

15. The initial reaction #jinkook #jinkookau

CW: homophobia- this AU contains some angst over coming out

16. Pondering #jinkook #jinkookau

17. He’s no help #jinkook #jinkookau

18. Neither are Jin’s friends

19. Namjoon is a softer touch #jinkook #jinkookau

pause for the night! More tomorrow, please let me know if you’re enjoying!

20. The collab is going great #yoonjoon #jinkookau

22. Unexpected #namgi (finally got the ship name right lol) #jinkookau

Namgi? Yoonmin? Namgimin????

23. It’s a date #namgi #jinkookau

24. Protection alert #jinkookau #jinkook #yoonmin

25. He’s not wrong #jinkookau #jinkook

27. Yoongi will destroy someone #jinkook #jinkookau #yoonmin

28. His plan sort of worked anyway #jinkookau #yoonmin

29. JK won’t call but he won’t just *not respond* #jinkook #jinkookau

30. Here lie Jin, slain by beauty #jinkook #jinkookau

31. Jin requests privacy at this difficult time #jinkook #jinkookau

32. Jin is called out #jinkookau #jinkook

33. Namjoon is the leader of Dreamz too for a reason #jinkook #junkookau

34. Jimin protests too much #jinkook #jinkookau #yoonmin

35. they really will figure this out eventually #jinkook #jinkookau #vhope

36. Hobi needs a hug #vhope #jinkookau

37. He needs lots of hugs #vhope #jinkookau

38. Jin is almost ready but first to worry about friends #vhope #jinkook #jinkookau

39. It’s happening #jinkook #jinkookau

40. Suga has some advice #jinkook #jinkookau

41. never #jinkook #jinkookau

42. The invite #jinkook #jinkookau

43. he needs to know #jinkook #jinkookau

44. Smooth like butter

45. Voice of reason #jinkook #jinkookau

46. Not the plan #jinkook #jinkookau #nsfw

47. Jin’s perspective #jinkook #jinkookau #nsfw

48. The next day #jinkook #jinkookau

49. Protective!Yoongi #jinkook #jinkookau

50. You’re welcome #jinkook #jinkookau #yoonmin

51. Suga still isn’t satisfied #jinkook #jinkookau

52. He’s working on it #yoonmin #jinkook #jinkookau

53. Poor Tae #jinkookau #vhope

54. RM hyping Tae #vhope

55. VHope shippers #vhope

56. Date?? #vhope #jinkookau

57. Tae may not be good at this #vhope #jinkookau

How’s it so far?? Let me know at thanks for the likes and comments so far!

58. Hobi might have the wrong idea #vhope #jinkookau

59. Hobi…babe…no #vhope #jinkookau

60. Back to #jinkook #jinkookau

61. New plan (notice what Jin has JK listed as in his phone lol) #jinkookau #jinkook

62. Welp #jinkook #jinkookau

63. Jin has a more pressing issue actually #vhope #jinkookau

64. Namjoon on damage control #vhope #jinkookau

65. Hobi doesn’t get it #vhope #jinkookau

66. Sinking in #vhope #jinkookau

67. 😮 #vhope #jinkookau

68. Tae is a very happy Tae #vhope #jinkookau

69. Hahaha this is #69 #vhope #jinkookau

70. Afterglow #vhope #jinkookau

71. Announcements #vhope #jinkookau

72. Time for the articles to come #vhope #jinkookau

73. Back to Jin and Jungkook #jinkook #jinkookau

74. Falling fast #jinkook #jinkookau

75. Bad memories #jinkook #jinkookau

76. 😭 #jinkook #jinkookau

77. Breaking point #jinkook #jinkookau

78. Jin, that’s your public, babe #jinkook #jinkookau

79. Confirmed #jinkook #jinkookau

80. Dreamz is much gayer than anticipated #jinkook #jinkookau

81. Best friends #jinkook #jinkookau

82. Relief #jinkook #jinkookau

83. Time for dick #jinkook #jinkookau

84. Namjoon’s turn #yoonmin #namgi

85. Conflicted #yoonmin #namgi #joonmin

86. Random Jinkook update #jinkook #jinkookau

87. Not weird #namgimin

88. They want him #namgimin

89. His band claims him for a night #namgimin

90. So much love #namgimin

91. A problem #namgimin

92. A big problem #namgimin

93. A moment #namgimin

94. Time for action #namgimin

95. It pays off #namgimin #nsfw

Do you like the namgimin??? Let me know what you think!

96. Love in the private tweets #namgimin

97. An official announcement #jinkook #jinkookau

98. Soul mates

The end! They all lived happily and lustfully ever after :) Thank you so much for the likes, comments and reads! This was something of a trial to see if I could write this format. I hope you liked it! I definitely will be doing more of them 🥰

And again, you can tweet me here or contact me here

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