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In Financial Markets since 2014 Premium group: https://t.co/h07LAeAOEd Analyst: @BecauseBitcoin Trader: @BBWealthMGMT NEWSLETTER 👇

Jun 14, 2021, 14 tweets

Inside Bar 📚

▪️ What it is?
▪️ Why is it so powerful?
▪️ How to use it?
▪️ Fakeouts?
▪️ Which Timeframe to use?


▪️ What it is

An Inside Bar is a simple 1 Bar candle that is hidden inside of the previous OHLC candle

There are two types:
▫️ Inside body & outside wicks
▫️ Inside body & inside wicks

If you are not familiar with what OHLC means read here:


▫️ Inside body & outside wicks

The body of the candle closes inside of the previous body candle but wicks below

- Weaker of the two


▫️ Inside body & inside wicks

Both, the body & the wick of the candle close inside of the previous candle between the High & Low

- Stronger of the two


▪️ Why is it so powerful?

Inside Bar is nothing much different than a compression range on a higher timeframe.

If you zoom in you gonna see a nice long consolidation taking place

The inside bar helps us to establish where the range is broken.


And just like with any consolidation, when it finally breaks, expansion is next, usually followed by a violent break

The inside bar can help us see when the range is coming to the end and a new trend is about to get established early on.


▪️ How to use it?

The best application is when you align it with strong support, then try to spot the inside bar.

Once it's established you can either
1) Aggressive - Put a buy once Inside Bars forms
2) Conservative - Buy on a confirmed break out of the Inside Bar High


The other way is in an already established trend.

Price runs big but needs to pause for a few days or weeks to then continue its run.

We call this "Re-accumulation"

A great place to buy or add to your already existing position


A nice example of a short/sell of an Inside Bar

1) Price broke an old significant high and started to consolidate below.
2) Formed an Inside Bar
3) Broke down significantly afterwards


▪️ Fakeouts?

Sometimes, when we spot the Inside Bar we can see price breaks on the opposite side which many could see as a bearish break but i's important to remember we are at HTF support

This is where we must wait for the candle to close to indicate the true intentions


In this case, we can clearly see the move below was a clear manipulation and the candle proceeded to break the Inside Bar High later on in the week.

Establishing a new strong uptrend.


Currently, we are seeing the same thing happening in the #Bitcoin price & only time will tell if this is about to happen again.

Either way, it adds up to the probabilities


▪️ Which Timeframe to use?

The best timeframes for Inside Bars are:

1) Monthly
2) Weekly
3) Daily


In the end, I would like to add that as with everything this is not a holy grail but another great real-time tool to use to spot the future markets moves and add to your probabilities

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