Authentic #blackconservatism has always had the fundamental and explicit goal of opposing white supremacy. — Kareim Oliphant #BlackConservative

Jun 14, 2021, 13 tweets

For you two @SonnieJohnson @JaVonniBrustow ...

A History of the Lily-White Movement - Richmond, Virginia

"In 1920, state Republican leaders decided that in order to win, they needed to establish a “lily white” image. At their state conventions in 1920 and 1921, ...

@SonnieJohnson @JaVonniBrustow ..., the Lily White Republicans barred black voters from attendance. Black delegates were not seated in 1921.

Racial justice did not make it onto the platform.

"In response, 600 Black delegates met in Richmond on September 5, 1921, and nominated their own Republican candidates for state office—all Black."

The group rejects us,
so we reject the group.
It is a matter of dignity and self-respect.
We will not be silenced.

― I.C. Jackson

"What came to be called the Lily Black Republican Ticket included two Richmonders. John Mitchell, Jr. headed the ticket as the candidate for governor. #MaggieWalker—just a year after gaining the right to vote herself—ran for state superintendent of public instruction."

The Two Black Republicans Who Built #BlackWallStreet (No, Not That One)

A History of Black Excellence: The Mad King and Black Queen… via @TheRoot

The Rise and Fall of Black Wall Street

"Richmond was once the epicenter of black finance. What happened there explains the decline of black-owned banks across the country."

#BlackBanksMatter #BlackLivesMatter #Richmond #Virginia…

But, you know, Black people, we have always been a forward-looking people -- not a complacent people.

OneUnited Bank, Largest Black Owned Bank, Swells To Over 100,000 Customers

"In 2016 due to the spate of murders of Black men, rapper and activist Killer Mike urged Black America to move their money to a Black owned bank, spawning the #BankBlack movement."

"This milestone has not been achieved by a Black bank since Maggie Lena Walker, the first Black woman and first woman bank president in the United States, founded St. Luke Penny Savings Bank in Richmond, Va., in 1903."…


“The black capitalist in America is a deeply fascinating creation; we, who have been commodities, are now in the position to commodify.”

— Max S. Gordon


The following information is intended for those sloppy and lazy conservatives (largely white) who by their satanic and racist actions have turned Conservatism (an honorable philosophy and disposition) into a weapon of evil.

Shame on you.

The rise and fall of black Wall Street

"Richmond was once the epicenter of black finance. What happened there explains the decline of black-owned banks across the country."

By Alexia Fernández Campbell

#BlackBanksMatter #BlackLivesMatter…

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