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Covering $TSLA $RIVN $LCID owner of Tesla MY and reservation for #RivianR2 and creator of

Jun 15, 2021, 10 tweets

$DCRC ➡️ $SLDP @SolidPowerInc

1.2B EV
Closing 2H 2021
19% for $Dcrc shareholders
165m pipe
600 m cash on hand upon closing

IP link…

Who is @SolidPowerInc
Solid state battery manufacturer
Backed by @BMW and @Ford / $F
8 years of research and development
Entering a 500b dollar market

Why Solid state is the future
Longer the distance
More cost effective
Longer battery life
Increased HP
Faster charging

What does @SolidPowerInc make
Sulfide solid electrolytes
Solid state batteries 2AH and 20AH batteries
2026 - start of production of silicon batteries
2027 - start production of Lithium batteries

2026 - 132 m revenue
2027 - 1047 m revenue
2028 - 1674 m revenue

$dcrc and @SolidPowerInc in the news

Previous thread below

My thoughts
For me I do have a large position after rumor was announced. This is a long hold but if we see an insane run up I will plan to sell and buy back in

#spac #spacsquad #ev #ElectricVehicle #solidstate #batterytech

@SolidPowerInc $DCRC in the news

Solid Power’s cells remove all flammable and volatile liquids and gels and are being designed to power safer, longer-range and lower-cost electric vehicles.

@SolidPowerInc $DCRC in the news

A second factory will be put up
25x increase in output
100 AH cells for testing in 2022…

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