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May 19th 2023
They said it was impossible. After decades of #antitrust cases over #PredatoryPricing - selling below cost to kill or prevent competitors - the #ChicagoSchool of neoliberal #economists "proved" predatory pricing didn't exist, so courts could stop busting companies for it.

1/ A giant pile of manure with...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Predatory pricing - the economists explained - was illegal, but it was also imaginary. A mirage. No one would predatory price, because it was "irrational." Even if someone irrational enough to try it, they would fail. Stand down, American judges - predatory pricing is solved.

Read 68 tweets
Jan 15th 2023
@retheauditors @premnsikka 1/ “Flipping Hell”: #LSE listed taxpayer funded homeless/vulnerable accommodation op & #BDO audited ‘#HomeReit built on poor foundations’. CityAM, three days ago wrote: ‘#HomeREIT faces legal threat from biggest tenant over £5.5m rent relief deal’ …
2/ (…). A week earlier it was reported that #HomeReit’s ‘investment adviser’ (‘Alvarium’) had (prior to its #SPAC merger) spun out the unit ‘advising’ #HomeReit (‘Alvarium Home REIT Advisors Ltd’) allegedly to a newly created shell, …
3/ before, along with wealth manager #TiedemannGroup, a #SPAC merger (Nasdaq listing) with ‘#CartesianGrowthCorporation (ex-#AIG emerging markets PE funds crew from back in the day). The #HomeReit board allegedly in effect ‘subcontracted the business’ operation to Alvarium’,
Read 15 tweets
Mar 27th 2022
Have been working through $CEL #celsiusnetwork's $750m Series B round. Will share #googlesheets file tomorrow. Here's a preview.
3 Dec 2021 #Celsius resolved to issue up-to 36,930 Series B shares at a price of US$20,469 per share. As at 2 Feb 2022 total of 32,182 Series B shares had been issued. I'm presuming #bnktothefuture will have closed out the balance. Image
The #Celsius Cap table (as at 2 Feb) with pre/post money for each issue. Image
Read 9 tweets
Dec 15th 2021
🤩 Action is gearing up on climate change, and investment in #climatetech has grown to stunning new heights.

My new report with @PwC looks at market trends and where there’s untapped potential for investors and policymakers. 🧵 1/8
🤪 The market is hot. Year-on-year growth in climate tech investment is 210%, with more than $60bn invested in startups in H1 2021 alone. 14¢ of every VC dollar is now invested in climate tech.

We’re now tracking 3000+ active climate tech startups.
📈 Megadeals are on the rise, and driving much of this recent growth. The average deal size in H1 2021 is now $96m, nearly quadruple the US$27m it was one year prior. 3/8
Read 8 tweets
Dec 13th 2021
@VirginOrbit #SPAC filings reveal the most insane market assessment ever. IDK who these 'Prophesy' guys are, but in 2019 the total launch market was 8B$ in value. The launch market for satellites <500kg (up to 'Mini') was <1B$/year in the past 5 years. 1/… ImageImage
I don't know if anybody will be held accountable for such a blatant overestimate of the small satellite launch market value, but luring investors in believing this business is 8B$/year is incredibly dishonest IMHO, particularly in light of the usual mantra of 'reduced costs'. 2/ Image
If that market value was correct, the average price of launching 42t of mini satellites (<500kg) in 2019 would have been close to 200k$/kg. A preposterous value: we know that small launch is expensive, but not THAT expensive! 3/ Image
Read 6 tweets
Nov 24th 2021
I’m back baby !!!

Today $SPAQ @AllegoCharging got their first PT at 17

@AllegoCharging will be adding 250 charging stations at 36 locations in #France these will include UltraFast charging will give your #ev a full charge in 10-30 minutes…

@AllegoCharging will add 120 chargers to @VanderValkHotel across #belgium and #netherlands

60 ultra fast chargers 150-300kW and 60 50kW chargers

#ev #ElectricVehicles #EVChargingStations…
Read 14 tweets
Nov 20th 2021
#SPAC Merger status as of 11/20. This shows SEC filing progression of all SPACs with a definitive agreement. New items from this week highlighted orange.

15 meetings (green) officially scheduled, see thread below for list ⤵️

Sort/filter at
Ticker & merger meeting date - $THMA 11/23, $FORE 11/24, $IACB 11/29, $AGC 11/30, $TPGS 11/30, $ADF 12/1, $ENFA 12/2, $GIG 12/3, $DMYQ 12/3, $CBAH 12/6, $SVOK 12/7, $DCRC 12/7, $PFDR 12/7, $DGNS 12/7, $CFV 12/8
Deals announced this week - 5
Ticker changes this week - 2
Deals approved & pending ticker change - 3
Meetings scheduled this upcoming week - 2
Deals terminated - 1
Read 4 tweets
Oct 21st 2021
Seems like an inauspicious start to Trump's Truth Social media site. Hours after the press release it is defaced by Anonymous. And he is also apparently going to take this "idea" to be publicly traded in the US stock market via an #SPAC mechanism. #socialmedia
Whats an SPAC you ask? I hadn't heard of it either. Apparently its a new means 2 take an entity that has no real business to the public markets instead of the traditional means of an IPO. Given Trump's biz record of multiple bankruptcies, it seems little like a ponzi scheme 2 me
Digital World Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: DWAC) a publicly traded company now with Trump Media & Technology Group via an SPAC at an EV of $875 million with a potential additional earnout of $825 million. Subject to regulatory and stockholder approval.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 9th 2021
$ORGN Goldman Sachs initiates neutral $10 Price target, 38% upside

While I would always prefer a buy rating, I thought this report was overall a net positive

It focuses on the positives we all know while the risks are more about #SPAC volatility and construction

$ORGN Positives:
* Key entrant into bioplastics space
* Potential opportunity is strong w/ unique product offering
* Main modules for O1 4 months ahead of schedule
* $ORGN did not include a price premium in its base case, could be 20-30%

$ORGN Negatives:
* Sales and earnings are still years away
* $SPACs and renewables have experienced trading volatility
* $ORGN is running behind its original schedule, just like $PCT and other bioplastics companies

Read 6 tweets
Sep 4th 2021
Time for a thread 🧵

$VIH we all know it’s the #1 trending stock on #fintwit @Twitter and @Stocktwits due to squeeze potential

But do you know what @Bakkt is or what they do ?

This is how it started from @BCalusinski and @gurgavin tweet 👇🏻 Image
2) $VIH the next great squeeze

What is @Bakkt?

Founded in 2018

Began as a #cryptocurrency exchange and has evolved into a digital ecosystem

2.1 billion valuation

207m #spac
325m pipe

Projected 9million users end of 2021, 31 million by 2025

Going live 2021 ImageImage
3) $VIH the next great squeeze

Who are they backed by ?
@Microsoft $MSFT
@Starbucks $Sbux
@ICE_Markets $ICE owner of @Bakkt at 65%+ long term hold Image
Read 10 tweets
Sep 3rd 2021
Space infrastructure conglomerate @RedwireSpace debuted on the NYSE this morning, the 6th space #SPAC to close this year.

"We are a revenue positive, cash flow positive, very financially conservative and rapidly growing company" - $RDW CEO Peter Cannito…
@RedwireSpace Cannito emphasized that $RDW is a "uniquely positioned" option for investors like @CathieDWood's $ARKX, since it’s a pure-play space stock that's generating over $100 million in revenue a year and cash flow positive already.…
@RedwireSpace @CathieDWood Redwire Space stock is surging on its NYSE trading debut, with shares climbing as much as 20% so far.… $RDW
Read 4 tweets
Aug 19th 2021
I cannot find a single Cloud stock trading cheaper than $AVPT based on 22E sales. I gave up after 1.5 hours trying & using 15 attempted Cloud comps, all trading more expensively than @AvePoint. 1/5

Eventually institutional investors are going to "find" $AVPT & it will trade higher. @AvePoint's growing at 30% YoY and > 75% of its revenues are from recurring sales = great for margins. Cowen's Buy recommendation this week called AVPT "undiscovered", and Cowen is correct. 2/5 Image
$AVPT's using significant #SPAC money to build-out a salesforce to attack SMD (small & mid-size companies) which it previously couldn't afford to target. This is a huge TAM opportunity for AVPT, which is $MSFT's #1 ranked Cloud partner. 3/5
Read 5 tweets
Jul 16th 2021
$ORGN I am seeing misinformation on cash needs following elevated redemptions. A thread to hopefully clarify. Some of this is my opinion post calls with the company and comparing to $PCT. As always, open to pushback.

TLDR: I don't think they will need to raise equity

The #SPAC was too large for this deal (my opinion). As a result they did one of the smaller PIPEs, despite announcing the transaction during the hottest point in the PIPE cycle. Many large institutional funds were scaled back significantly

Planning for no redemptions, this forced $ORGN to show very conservative plant financing - otherwise there would be too much cash and the deal wouldn't make sense. Let's compare the plant financing assumptions to $PCT, the debt % is still lower in the revised case!

Read 6 tweets
Jul 4th 2021

Since we’re talking abt #TetragonFinancial:

Soon it’ll be 5 yrs since tht infamous Forbes clean slate/#altasset IPO article...

...and basically it’s been crickets since:…

So what’s the deal?!
Well, NO complaints from an operating perspective:

#TFG delivered 10% NAV returns in last 5 yrs & transitioned to a true #altasset mgmt firm...

...ignore rest of the portfolio, it’s jst surplus filler they’ve jammed into Polygon funds/addtl seed capital for its asset mgmt co’s.
And forget #redherrings like #Ripple...

...blame me, cos I pushed ‘em to add some #crypto #pixiedust to the portfolio, but I never expected it wd be Ripple! 😆

Bt this is MORE than balanced out by their asset mgmt jewel in the crown...

...#Equitix, now their largest hldg!
Read 22 tweets
Jun 23rd 2021
Merger meeting July 15
2.1b Valuation
400m pipe
8% for shareholders

IP… Image
Hyzon customers
@CocaCola - in talks for 500 +
@IKEAUSA - 2 trucks potential 500 more
@Heineken - 5 trucks potential 500 more
@TotalEnergies - 20 trucks potential 500 more
hiringa - 20 trucks potential 1400 more Image
Vehicle on the road
End of 2020 nearly 500
By 2023 will have approximately 5,000 Image
Read 33 tweets
Jun 15th 2021
$DCRC ➡️ $SLDP @SolidPowerInc

1.2B EV
Closing 2H 2021
19% for $Dcrc shareholders
165m pipe
600 m cash on hand upon closing

IP link… Image
Who is @SolidPowerInc
Solid state battery manufacturer
Backed by @BMW and @Ford / $F
8 years of research and development
Entering a 500b dollar market ImageImage
Why Solid state is the future
Longer the distance
More cost effective
Longer battery life
Increased HP
Faster charging ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
May 26th 2021
$DCRN ➡️ @tritium IP highlights
Valuation at 1.4b
Free cash flow 2023
Will trade under $DCFC (DC fast charge 🧐)
24% for $DCRN share holders
No pipe
IP -… Image
The #EVrevolution
As batteries decrease in price and achieve longer range it’s now possible for electrification
Projected growth to 55 million #electricvehciles by 2040 Image
DC charging company (5-10) competitors globally
Around since 2001
Global reach with charging in 41 countries
Market share - US 15%, EU 20%, Asia pacific over 75% Image
Read 37 tweets
Apr 14th 2021
1/ While we await @coinbase's listing, #InvestmentBanks are having record earnings. 10x the revenues of Coinbase in Q1. By that metric, given Coinbase is expected to hit 100B, all the #banks have to do is setup #cryptoexchange & volia! Trillion $ Banks:)…
2/Lets take @GoldmanSachs first: GS stomping expectations on both its top & bottom lines: $18/share: 510% gain TYoY. Revenues of $17.7B, a 102% YoY & +51% sequentially, leaving in dust the $11.97B estimate

@psb_dc @amitTwitr @thepsironi @cgledhill @ronitA380 @charlesdhaussy
3/@jpmorgan has close to half Trillion $ valuation: Adjusted EPS: $4.50 vs. $3.05 est. Revenue: $32.3 billion vs. $30.4B est. Q1, earned $14.3 billion in net income, up $11.4B YoY. That is 30x coinbase revenues. Markets? Revenue hit $9.1B, up 25%!!
Shine Bright Like a Di(a)mon!!
Read 7 tweets
Apr 2nd 2021
#SPAC Class of '20 -
- Q1 '21 Stock performance
- '20 actual revenue verse SPAC presentation
- '21 updated guidance verse SPAC presentation

Average price at 3/31/21 = $14.57
Median price = $12.04
See notes at the bottom for highlight meanings
Sorted alphabetically
General trends noted by sectors -

- Gambling - beats + raises
- EV/clean energy - misses + materially lowered to completely removed guidance
- Financial - in line + reiterates
- Consumer - in line to beat + raises
There is a lot of complexity to each company and situation given COVID occurred during the year which affected some that announced before. This is only a high level guide. Refer to management's conference call and commentary on the Company's investor relations page for details
Read 3 tweets
Mar 11th 2021
🔴الـ SPACs مرة اخرى

🔸ان كنت مهتم لشركات الـ SPACs
🔹في سوق #الأسهم_الأمريكية
🔸فـ هذه #السلسة تهمك

مرحباً بالجميع💐
🟢الـ SPACs🔻
🔸شركات #مالية مدرجة في السوق عمرها 24 شهر
🔹ينقضي تواجدها بانتهاء هذه المدة
🔸عادةً 18 شهر للبحث ومحاولة عقد #صفقة
🔹مع شركة خاصة لإدراجها بالسوق

🟠سرعة الادراج وقلة المصاريف تغري الشركات بالتوجه لهم
🔹سعر #السهم 10 $ عند الطرح
🔸لكن هل هذا هو السعر الفعلي❓
🟢هذه المعلومة قد تخفى عن الكثير
🔸وهي قيمة السهم الفعلية

🔵يدير المفاوضات مجموعة مدراء
🔸لإتمام الصفقة بفائدة 20% كمتوسط
🔹وبكذا 10$ - 2$ = 8$

🟠لابد من استقطاب أسماء مستثمرين معروفة
🔹ومشاهير لتسويق شركة الــ #SPAC
🔸بول ايكمان - كاثي وود
🔹صناديق – مشاهير – مقدمي برامج Image
Read 12 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
SPAC me the money!

Special Purpose Acquisition Companies, or SPACs are all the rage in Wall Street of late. They are an alternative to traditional IPOs if the intent is to take the company public.

The process is quite reverse, actually. In an IPO, a company with a defined prospectus is looking to raise funds from the market. A SPAC, on the other hand, is a company with money on its hands, looking for new business collaborations (mergers/acquisitions) to focus on.

Recently, India's Number #1 renewable energy company, ReNew Power, opted for a SPAC-IPO to go public on the NASDAQ Exchange. As more and more companies take the SPAC route, it becomes clear that investment is no longer a goal-oriented idea but a gain-oriented idea.

Read 4 tweets
Feb 21st 2021
Something an old boss told me once when I first started public investing and lost a lot of money on a position: "If you're not losing money somewhere in the portfolio, you're not taking enough risk." #spacs #spacsquad
2/ If you’re sweating every tick up or down in a position, you’re TOO BIG. #spacs #spacsquad
3/ SPAC asymmetry with $10 pre-merger floor is your best friend. A 30% move from $10 -> $13 is FAR superior than $45 -> $60. Risking $0 to make $3 way better than risking $35 to make $15. Always be cognizant of risk/reward. #spacs #spacsquad
Read 13 tweets
Feb 8th 2021
This is the 2nd THREAD of the $HOL / $ASTR notes and why I invested 💥💥$300K into this Space Tech startup.💥💥

If you missed the first 25 post thread, you can read it here:

Continue reading the thread below for posts 26-50: 👇👇👇
This way the customer is not building the satellite from scratch.

C) These satellites will work perfectly with the ASTRA launch vehicles for even more efficiency.

D) This cuts down the idea-to-launch-timeframes by an order of magnitude, & cuts costs down for everybody.
Their executive team appears to be stellar with a ton of experience in this space, including having worked at @SpaceX and @NASA.

It makes sense, considering they are the 3rd private company to ever achieve orbit, and they did it faster than anybody else, ever!
Read 26 tweets
Feb 8th 2021
🔥I JUST bought $300,000.00 in ASTRA ( $HOL ) STOCK!🔥

1/ It's a #SpaceX type company & I'm very excited!

Read the 61 thread post below with my notes on WHY I did it. 👇👇👇

2/ #ASTRA ($ASTR) currently trading under the #SPAC symbol $HOL (Holicity)

It is a space company the manufactures smaller rockets and #spacecraft to allow businesses to launch into space very quickly and cheaply, from anywhere in the world.
3/ I first bought 10K shares of $HOL last week at $15...

... an additional 7500 shares this morning in pre-trading @$20/share...

...for a total of $300,000 (actually $304,233 / I rounded the share prices.)
Read 29 tweets

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