CCChat Magazine- on and around Coercive Control Profile picture
CCChat Magazine- The FREE magazine on and around coercive control since 2017. Some tweets may be random! Anatomy of a Smear Campaign 19:07:23 Editor: Min Grob

Jun 15, 2021, 6 tweets

What to expect from CCChat* Magazine in the coming months.

* CCChat is a free online magazine on and around #coercivecontrol.

The NEXT issue focuses on the amazing survivors of #coercivecontrol #stalking #cults and #domesticviolence and what they are doing now.
It also includes an interview with a process server.

Later in the year CCChat will ask some difficult questions about why it’s taking so long to effectively deal with #domesticviolence #domesticabuse #coercivecontrol #stalking and why some victims are repeatedly being failed.

We need to talk about the elephant in the room.

Also later in the year, CCChat will be looking at sexual coercion.
A HUGE part of #coercivecontrol but also the least talked about.

The power and control that abusers wield around degradation and humiliation.
And sleep rape.

For October, CCChat will be looking at suicidality.
Some abusers would never kill their victim directly.

They prefer to drive a person to suicide.

Murder with ‘clean hands.’

In the meantime, the current issue of CCChat Magazine looks at TRAUMA BONDING- what it is and how it is misapplied.

Read it here 👉

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