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Jun 17, 2021, 7 tweets

#SonuSood, who allegedly helped several during the pandemic, has angered the Bombay High Court. The court has asked the Maharashtra government to "seriously examine" and put a detailed inquiry in place against Sood and MLA Zeeshan Siddique.…

The court took a note of several social media posts that suggested that the duo was distributing COVID-19 drugs, which were "available in scarce quantities." #COVID19Vaccine

This comes after Maharashtra government submitted that a criminal case has been filed against one BDR Foundation, for supplying #remdesivir to Siddique, who in turn, gave it to those asking for it. They had no licence to supply the same.

During a hearing of PILs that blamed the state government for poor COVID-19 management, Justices Sunil P Deshmukh and Girish S Kulkarni highlighted a development.

Justices Deshmukh and Kulkarni said that celebrities and politicians like Sood and Siddique are running "a parallel agency" and that they "project themselves as some kind of messiahs without verifying if the drugs were spurious or if the supply was illegal."

Adv General Ashutosh Kumbhakoni, state govt's counsel said that 4 directors of the BDR Pharmaceuticals were booked too. But, no case has been filed against Siddique because he diverted the anti-viral vials to those asking for it. The supplied drugs weren't a part of govt's quota.

Meanwhile, Sood Charity Foundation is being probed for the drugs supplied by them, that came from Goregaon's Life Line Medicare Hospital. The court ended its hearing by asking the state government to "scrutinize their actions" and investigate the situation.

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