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October 20th 2020 is a day Nigeria would forever remember. Peaceful protesters demanding an end to police brutality were massacred.

Jun 20, 2021, 16 tweets

8 months ago,the Federal Govt of Nigeria @MBuhari and Lagos Govt @jidesanwoolu murderously connived with @HQNigerianArmy @LCCTollRoad and @Loatsad_Promo to kill peaceful #EndSARS protesters at Lekki Toll Gate.
See thread for NAMES OF some of the SLAINED HEROES.

Was shot and killed by @HQNigerianArmy on #LekkiMassacre at the Lekki Toll Gate #EndSARS Peaceful protest.
On this #FathersDay Lekan would have been with his 2 children who are still in Primary School and now has nobody to fend for them.
They need Justice.

Ayo was a peaceful #EndSARS protester killed by @HQNigerianArmy on #LekkiMassacre
Ayo was unjustly murdered.
Federal Govt @MBuhari and Lagos Govt @jidesanwoolu continue to LIE that nobody died in their bloody orders to shoot peaceful protesters.

Sunday left Akwa Ibom and was doing quite well in Lagos using his hardwork to train his siblings in school and feed his widow mother.
He was killed and his family is yet to see his body since #LekkiMassacre as his body was also taken away by @HQNigerianArmy

Jide was a calm and funny guy. Those who were privileged to be around him during the #EndSARS protest said he loved to gist about football.
He was a Chelsea fan they said.
During #LekkiMassacre Jide was shot dead at the Lekki Toll Gate.
Noone knows any member of his family.

Solomon who came from Adamawa to Lagos managed a Car Wash on the Island.
Solomon was a loving kid as described by his mum, she said he always made her laugh.
Solomon and his brother usually joined the #EndSARS Peaceful protest. On #LekkiMassacre he was shot dead.

Ifeanyi AJ
Ifeanyi was one of the very first victims of @HQNigerianArmy when they invaded the #EndSARS Peaceful protest shooting and killing peaceful protesters.
Ifeanyi was shot right in front of the stage on #LekkiMassacre
His intestines were opened by the bullet from the Army.

Kolade Salami
Kola was a shanty resident trying to make ends meet.
He joined the #EndSARS Peaceful protest to join his voice with youths of Nigeria demanding for a better country.
Kolade was shot on #LekkiMassacre by @HQNigerianArmy @jidesanwoolu @MBuhari
Kola deserves Justice.

This peaceful #EndSARS protester was also among the bodies taken away by @HQNigerianArmy after being shot on #LekkiMassacre
They deserve justice @jidesanwoolu @MBuhari murdered peaceful Nigerian youths.

This peaceful #EndSARS protester was hit on the head by the Butt of the gun at the Lekki Toll Gate on #LekkiMassacre and he died. His body was also taken away and is still missing.

This peaceful #EndSARS protester was shot dead on #LekkiMassacre by @HQNigerianArmy and his body was taken away when placed in front of the Army.
Protesters were trying to show the Army the dead bodies with the hopes that it would touch their hearts to stop shooting.

This peaceful #EndSARS protester was also shot dead by @HQNigerianArmy during #LekkiMassacre but @jidesanwolu continued to lie that there was no death or drop of blood at the Lekki Toll Gate after sending Army to stop a peaceful protest by killing peaceful youths.

These 2 friends were present at the #EndSARS Peaceful protest on #LekkiMassacre
During the shooting by Army,they ran,got on a bike and was at top speed in order to be safe.
They hit a truck and died.
We recognize them as Heroes too.

Present at Lekki Toll during #LekkiMassacre and still missing:
Wisdom usually joined the #EndSARS Peaceful protest at Lekki.
He told his sister he was at the Lekki protest and was last seen by his neighbour at Lekki Toll Gate at about past 5pm.He is still missing.

Bola informed his sister he was at the Lekki Toll Gate Protest.
He always joined the peaceful #EndSARS protest at Lekki.
When she heard about the shooting, she called his phone and could hear the gunshot at the background until the number went off.
He is still missing.

On this 20th day,we remember Lekki heroes.
Those whose bodies were taken away,
those whose names we don't know, whose voices echoed with us when we screamed #EndSARS #EndPoliceBrutality
99 Bodies in Lagos were called UNKNOWN but we know them
We know them as Heroes.

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