Matt Bergman Profile picture
Principal, Ridge Strategic, Sr. Counsel @MarinoPR. #CorporateLaw. #BusinessConsulting #Investing. #Strategy. #Restructuring. #Marketing. J.D.,M.S., #Finance.

Jun 24, 2021, 5 tweets

#investing #books have long spoken of it glowingly but happy to note @AswathDamodaran-IMHO among top three #valuation experts in world-went out of his way, in recent lecture to his valuation course, to recommend "Expectations Investing" by @mjmauboussin & A. Rappaport. (1/2)

Can't actually recall other instances of Aswath speaking so highly of a work mid-lecture (which doesn't mean he hasn't) -& the book itself is a masterpiece. Happily, newly revised/expanded edition out 9/21. "Expectations Investing" @mjmauboussin & A. Rappaport. #investing #books

While at it, IMHO, one can never go wrong by reading as much as possible of any/all of Professor Damadoran's #finance #books

I'm esp. partial to "The Dark Side of Valuation" & "Damodaran on Valuation" - but "Investment Valuation", "Narrative & Numbers", "The Little Book of Valuation", "Strategic Risk Taking" & "Applied Corporate Finance" are fabulous. #finance #books

Want to add: gun to head, my favorite @mjmauboussin #book is "More Than You Know: Finding Financial Wisdom in Unconventional Places". "Think Twice" & "The Success Equation" are marvelous. Mix of decision science, behavioral finance, valuation, cross-discipline=right to my heart

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