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Jun 26, 2021, 7 tweets

[Thread] 1. This graph shows how the Delta variant is spreading in SA (the green dots = the Delta variant). The yellow dots are the Beta variant, which has been dominating up until now. @Tuliodna says the Delta variant is likely to start dominating the global #COVID19 pandemic.

2. The Delta variant spreads faster than any other #COVID variant, including the Beta variant. It spreads 2x as fast as the original form of SARS-CoV-2 and 30-60-% faster than the Beta variant. It has been detected in 85 countries and causes 95% of infection in the UK.

3. The Delta variant is likely to dominate SA's #COVID19 pandemic. It presents a higher risk of reinfection, but there's no evidence that it reduces the efficacy of vaccines. The Delta variant is likely why we're seeing so many more infections in SA's 3rd wave vs. the 2nd wave.

4. The kind of symptoms that the Delta variant causes could be different to those of other variants. Mostly it is associated with headaches, a sore throat, runny nose and sneezing.

5. There is, however, no clear evidence that the Delta variant causes more severe disease. But because it spreads to much faster, it does result in more hospitalizations (because it causes more infections).

6. What effect does the Delta variant have on vaccines? Once you have had two doses of Pfizer or AstraZeneca, the jabs remain effective against the Delta variant. Pfizer provides more than 90% protection against hospitalization for #COVID caused by the Delta variant.

7. There isn't clear data yet, but it might be that people who have been infected with the Beta variant, can get reinfected with the Delta variant, says @rjlessells.

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