Katy Hayward Profile picture
as it turns out, a @QUBelfast professor of political sociology working in & on the island of Ireland. @IrishEF Fellow #Brexit #Protocol #Border Own my own views

Jun 30, 2021, 8 tweets

So the #Protocol is the talk of the town today, but what do the people most affected by it actually think about it?!

We @PostBrexitGovNI thought that was worth finding out. So we’re running polls in NI with @LucidTalk 📊

Here’s the 2nd one –



HEADLINE: NI is divided over the subject, believe it or not.

47% think Protocol is appropriate; 47% disagree.

What's interesting is that this split hasn’t changed much since last poll in March.

Most think NI needs specific arrangements but they disagree over the Protocol.


The majority (57%) think there are economic opportunities for NI from the Protocol, but right now, the predominant view of its current impact is negative.

This graph shows positive-minus-negative results 👇

41% say Protocol has a positive impact on NI economy, 48% disagree.

7 out of 10 respondents are (very) concerned about the impact of Brexit & the Protocol.

This is as much about democratic implications as economic ones.

Indeed, checks & controls GB-NI is the least of their concerns.
57% also say UK should align with EU rules to reduce those

As in last poll, trust in actors to manage NI interests re: the #Protocol is low...
With notable exception of business reps who are trusted by the majority🤝

Levels of trust in the UK Govt rose since March... from 5% to 6%😬

Trust in the EU is 40%, but distrusted by 48%.


8/10 said candidates' positions on the Protocol will determine how they cast their votes in the next Assembly #election.

Looking ahead to the 2024 '#consent vote' on the Protocol, we see that voters are evenly split as to whether they want their MLAs to vote for or against.


As a sign of quite how exercised people are on the topic, over 500 people went to the trouble of adding written comments at the end of the poll.

These are harder to depict in a tweet, but powerful to read.

Here’s a summary table of what they said👇

H/T Dr @LisaClaireWhit1

In sum:
The Protocol is a live political issue & views are evenly split on it in NI.

Altho most think it cd have benefits, there are concerns about current impact.

Lack of trust in parties & decision-makers compounds anxiety & concerns re: implications of Brexit/Protocol.


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