Ahmed Al-Jaishi, PhD Profile picture
Epidemiologist, #EpiTwitter

Jul 3, 2021, 6 tweets

July 03: #COVID19 in #Ontario
- Cases: +209
- Deaths: 9205 (+9)
- Hospital: 206 (+27)
- ICU: 243 (-9)
- Ventilated: 165 (+5)
- Active cases: 2113 (-62)
💉 Vaccines administered yesterday: 210,504
- Rt: 0.91 (CI: 0.73, 1.1)

Dashboard: covid19inontario.com

The top 3 public health units reported 89 of today's 209 cases (43%):
- Waterloo Region, PH: 47 cases (22%) or 80 cases per million
- Halton Region HD: 22 cases (11%) or 36 cases per million
- Grey Bruce HU: 20 cases (10%) or 118 cases per million


#COVID19 in Long-term care (LTC) homes (last updated: July 02)
- Number of homes with an active outbreak: 3 (change from yesterday: +0)
- Number active cases among residents: 21 (+12)
- Number of active cases among healthcare workers: 5 (+1)

No. of #COVID19 #Tests in #Ontario :
- Tests reported: 17080 (25161 yesterday)
- Under investigation: 7821
- Tests processed by labs: 14723 (30335)
- Percentage of test that came back positive: 1.0%
- Total tests: 16018452


Total #COVID19 cases by age group (change from yesterday)
0 - 19: 87869 (+57)
20 - 39: 204341 (+83)
40 - 59: 155691 (+42)
60 - 79: 72484 (+19)
80+: 25102 (+7)

Follow .@Kartik79202984 for details and perspectives on #COVID19 in the York region

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