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Jul 5, 2021, 10 tweets

Another massive power outage across the city of #Tehran, #Iran's capital now. People can be heard chanting "death to Dictator, #Khamenei" (Supreme leader of Iran's Islamic Regime) in protest over the power outage caused by the mismanagement of the regime's activities.

Iranians are angry over the frequent power outages caused by the mismanagement of incompetent authorities of #Iran's Islamic Regime. Video shows people of Shahr-e-Rei in south of #Tehran are now protesting the regime in front of the governor's building of their town.

#BREAKING: People in Babolsar in North of #Iran have come to the streets of their town protesting the #Iran's Islamic Regime over the frequent power outages.

Another video from south of #Tehran shows people protesting the #Iran's Islamic Regime over the frequent power outage. People can be heard chanting: "Incompetent Minister, Resign, Resign".

People of Bahnamir, another city in North of #Iran have come to streets of their city protesting the Islamic Regime over incompetency of its authorities which has resulted frequent power outages.

Video shows angry people of #Kazeroun in south of #Iran protesting the regime and its authorities in front of the governor's building now.

People of Qaemshahr, another city in North of #Iran are now gathering in the main street of their city preparing for an anti-regime protest over frequent power outages.

Video from city of Babol, in North of #Iran also shows people coming to the main street of their town, closing the road to prevent mobilization of the security forces prior starting their anti-regime protest.

People of Behshahr, a small town in North of #Iran have also started protesting the regime. They have blocked the main road of their town to prevent mobilization of the security forces.

People of #Amol another city from #Mazandaran province in North of #ran are now protesting the regime over the frequent power outages. They have gathered in front of the electricity department of their town.

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